Uno (1)

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I can feel the hate for how I ended the last book.

*Gets stabbed*

Definitely feeling it...

It was worth it though! And I'm ready for more assassination attempts after this chapter.


Song above is what I'll be basing this book around!

Sorry it's short.


"ANSWER ME PALADIN!!!" Haggar screamed, bolts of power surging into the Red Paladin as he screamed for the, possibly, millionth time that day.

Haggar pulled back letting him fall limp on the table.
"Go..." he took a sharp breath in, "to Hell."
"Perhaps the Blue Paladin would be more useful..." she mused.
"You... you don't have him," the Red Paladin snarled, still catching his breath.
"How confident are you in that?" Haggar smirked.

The Paladin held her gaze, unease in his eyes, "The others got away, I've heard the guards complain about it. You don't have anyone else on my team!" he growled.
"Believe what you will... I'll let you think on this while I attend to... other, matters," the Witch smiled gliding out of the room.

Red's glare at her back was enough to convince her she'd gotten under his skin. Her words would be considered.

"My lady, we do not have the Blue Paladin, why would you threaten him with his mate?" one of her newer Druids questioned.
"We know we do not possess the Blue Paladin, he does not. Find the recordings of Blue's operation, let him hear it." Haggar ordered some nearby guards.
They bowed and quickly ran off to do her bidding.

She walked down the halls, two of her Druids following silently. Haggar let her mind wander back to the operation on the Blue Paladin. The protests and the ineffective attempts at escape. All of the begging he did while he was conscious. His screams as they cut into his lower abdomen connecting and rearranging his organs.

All in hope that the Red Paladin would force him out of the war temporarily, but long enough for Voltron to be crippled.

A plan that had yet to prove effective.

And she would make sure with the Red Paladin's return to his little pride that would be exactly what would happen. Red would never leave his mate while they were expecting, that would leave the Yellow and Green Paladins to try hopelessly to hold the line.

In the months the Blue Paladin would be baring, the Galra Empire would attack the planets they'd lost and gain back their territory. They could even possibly capture Voltron with it being so weak. They would make an example of the Paladins and the last Alteans.

Haggar smiled to herself, thinking about how easy it would be to convince the Red Paladin to work for the Empire with a sword at the Blue Paladin's throat. Her heart fluttering at the fear in his eyes watching his mate try and hide their kit from the soldiers, begging them to leave his family alone.

Even if Red wouldn't comply, it would be a shame to get rid of a perfectly good breeder.

The Prince never had shown much interest in females as mates, perhaps Blue provided a solution to that problem.

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