What should I do?

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Micheal's Pov
This summer, I've been spending hours in my basement trying to figure out a way to get the world to stop ignoring me. I knew that there would be no way popular kids would approve of talking to a loser like me, so I would just have to stop being a loser.


I have no clue how to do that.

I do know one thing for sure, the me I am right now is definitely not good enough to be on top.

I have to find some way to get a boost. There's no way I could get a glow up just like that, or ask a ghost to posses me and then beg it to find ways make me cool. I mean, for starters, neither of those things are, to my knowledge, possible.

"Maybe I should just get someone to change my brain." I said aloud to myself.


Something just clicked. I don't need to get someone to alter my thoughts, I need something! I need a squip! It's the thing that started all of this, and the thing that got Jeremy popular, so why can't it do the same to me?

Now all I have to do is to find where to get one.

Maybe I should go to the guy at Payless?

Wait, he was arrested for illegal drug trafficking.

Figures, he was dealing drugs to kids after all.

Now, how the fuck am I supposed to find a drug that's manufactured over 6,790 miles away from here? Not to mention limited stocks.

Maybe I could get some from the students?

It's obvious that I can't get any from Rich. He basically pledged to never have anything to do with squips again. I honestly feel kinda bad for the guy.

After he and Jake got out of the hospital, they haven't spoken. Rich has been pretty depressed ever since, making him almost as popular as me. After his legs healed, Jake has been more popular than ever. He's still great at sports, and now has pity from everyone.

Jake's a self absorbed jerk if you ask me, but I can still feel chemistry between them, even though they're so far apart now.

Back to me, how am I supposed to find a squip? I start to head outside, the temperature in my house is driving me insane. I feel like my brain's gonna explode, I'm thinking way to hard. I need a break.

As I walk down the road, I see a cute little ice cream paurlor on the street.

Well, I mean, it's really hot , so why not?

As I walk in, I feel a blast of air conditioning which takes me a little by surprise. I go up to the counter and see a farmiliar face.

Hey readers! Sorry for another short chapter. Longer ones in the future! Also, there will be some RichJake/Arson bros coming soon as well!

Thanks for reading!

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