A party's a rad excuse...

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Jeremy's Pov
After waiting for what felt like forever, Friday came around. The whole school buzzed about Kurt's party, wondering what they were gonna wear and how drunk they were gonna get.

Once school ended for the day, I made sure to go straight home and get ready.

Jeremy, this party is the best chance your going to get to up your popularity. Don't mess up.

Got it.

To the tune of 'Halloween' from BMC

🎶 Picked out an outfit for tonigh🎶
Made sure to get a size that fits me just right
Where I'm going is my business,
So you don't need to know

"Jeremy, where are you going?" My dad asks, stopping me from stepping out of the door.

"A party, I'll be back."

"You've been leaving the house a lot lately ever since last year. Maybe you should-"

"I'll do what I want okay? You can't talk about how I was last year, you were barely even there. You're worrying too late." I respond, mumbling that last part under my breath.

"I- just don't stay out too late."

"Whatever." I add, slamming the door behind me.

Get your dad off your mind, Jeremy. Tonight is a big night.

Michael's Pov
Tonight is a big night, Michael.

This is it. I'm going to my first ever real party!

Michael, as I'm sure your aware, very important connections need to be made today to boost your popularity. Right now you are ranked fairly high, but if you attend this party your status will skyrocket.

This is gonna be so awesome!

Be less enthusiastic, act as if this is normal for you.

After my conversation with my squip, I hear a loud honk from outside. Running towards the door, I see Jenna pulling up in my driveway.

She rolls down the window, releasing music that's been blasting from inside her car. Pulling out some sunglasses, she slips them onto her face.

"Hey Micheal, get in!"

Hopping into her front seat, she pulls out of the driveway. She then cranked down the volume of the music, which is good, because it was probably going to make my ears bleed.

"Alright, here are some party ground rules." She says, eyes still directed at the road.

"Rule number one, don't get too high or drunk, I hate taking care of other people."

Well I could of told you both of those things.

"Number two, don't have sex. You'll get someone pregnant and die. STDs are bad too."


"I'm not done. Now this is the most important rule."

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