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Jeremy's Pov
Finding people to talk to this lunch period was a victory short lived. The two couples ended up having to leave shortly after having some conversation.

Life has gone back to sucking again, my squip wont stop reminding me of the fact.

How are you supposed to get back from this?  This is only making things worse.

I'm sorry.

Now I have to think of some way to lie you out of these rumors! Why does it seem like I'm the only one committed to this?

My squip goes on trying to think of some way to get me out of this, which causes me to zone out a bit.

You're acting like you don't even care! Do you even want to be back on top?

Of corse I do, it's just-

Just what? You want to give it all up? Everything we've worked for? You want to end up like Jake? Or like Rich after his squip was disabled?

I didn't say that.

Then tell me Jeremy, what seems to be the problem?

I honestly don't know. I don't know how to explain it, but a break from constantly being in the spotlight, and having people watch your every move is kind of nice?

No one's depending on me for anything, no ones asking me about stuff or talking to me about things that I don't understand. It's a glimpse back at my old life. I could spend time talking about things that I care about with the person I care about.

Cared about.

I cared about him.

Still, it feels weird to not be talked to. And kind of lonely.

I can't stand being alone.

Guess I forgot how it felt.

Jeremy! Do you still want to be popular, or not?

Yes. Let's do this.

I refuse to let you lose to Michael. He cannot just leave you in the dust like this. You should hate him.

I should hate him.

Do I hate him?

You do.

I do.

Narrators Pov (basically just authors Pov)

Both boys seemed unfamiliar with their new positions in the school hierarchy. Jeremy felt small and unimportant basically becoming the school's "scum of the earth".

He had forgotten how the absence of popularity could feel.

Anyway, the same thing went for Michael. He didn't seem to understand the type of pressure popularity put him under.

From peers to so called friends, he couldn't help but have a constant feeling of being watched. Like everyone was looking up to him, expecting him to be something he didn't think he really was.

It seems like Michal is overwhelmed with popularity, but at the same time enjoys the being it of having supposed "real friends".

The boys both faced a problem. They weren't sure that they were okay with their new lives, but didn't feel like going back to their old ones.

If only there were some compromise that the world would let them reach, actually scratch that, the author would. But at the current time, she's still trying to figure out how the hell she could do that without it seeming rushed or unethically possible.

She doesn't want to rush this story because it's really special to her, and she wants to continue writing it forever, but knows she can't.

She loves this story, and hopes you guys love it too.

Well, that's enough about our author who started fangirling over the fact that she has 14 followers, which in retrospect isn't a lot, but whatever.

Anyways, this so called compromise between universes seems so far, but truly is so easy to reach.

The only reason it hasn't been reached yet is because of an inner problem, though and question in the boys minds.

Two simple separate statements that are holding these boys apart.

"I hate him."

"What if he hates me?"

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