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Ok, so I know that when the squip speaks to a character, in most books it's in italics, but in my book we're just gonna make it underlined. (because when any character thinks, it's in italics)

Jeremy's Pov
Jake and I agreed to take some girls out on a double date today. My Squip said that it would boost my popularity by .09% if I went.

Honestly, I'm not really interested in dating anymore. My heart feels kind of empty.

Don't get me wrong, I love all of the attention that the squip is giving me, I love being popular, having friends, having a new life, but I still feel like I'm missing something.

What am I thinking? Next to Jake, I'm the most popular guy in school, and that's all I've ever wanted.

I should be more happy.

Jeremy, you must learn to pay attention when talking to girls! Being popular gives you leeway, but not if you're spaced out the entire time.


What did I say about your stutter? No matter. You can't drop in the middle of the mall and do push ups as a punishment right now. We'll do the later.

Okay, so did I miss out on anything important?

No. Heather's just venting about her "near death experience" and how she's so happy she stayed alive so she could meet Jake.

Oh, ok. So nothing much.

After upgrading my squip, a new function was installed where I am able to think my own thoughts without the squip knowing, while the squip is focused on everything on the outside. It's pretty cool. I feel better now that my squip doesn't know everything I'm thinking.

"So, Jeremy, would you like to go get some frozen yogurt with me while these two chat?" Regina asks, bringing out a sort of low, seductive voice.

Cool, let's go. Then say goodbye to Jake.

"Cool. Let's go. Bye, Jake."

As I walk off with Regina, I hear a familiar voice.

"-friends wouldn't do that to each other, right?"
(Michael said this last chapter)

That voice sounds familiar?

Jeremy! Focus! Now say, "I'm so sorry that happened!"

"I am so sorry that happened."

"I know!" Started Regina. Apparently, she had been talking about her boyfriend leaving her for someone else, "I mean, why would he leave all this?" She says, gesturing to her chest.

I could name a few reasons why.

Jeremy. I've predicted an outcome in the future where Regina gets a text telling her to go back to the main entrance. Heather was her ride home.

A loud ding interrupts my thoughts.

"Aw, I have to go. Well, maybe you could take me out another time?"

"Sure, it's a date."

With that, she walks off, leaving me alone at the mall.

My eyes glance back and notice Michael. He's with someone, a girl? Is he on a date? I dwell on this for a long time, filing my own mind with thoughts about them. My squip then shocks me.

Jeremy. We've been over this. You are making multiple mistakes today. Your punishment will be set later. Now, tell me the reason we don't talk to Michael.

He's a loser, and hanging out with him isn't good for my popularity.

And what have you always wanted?

To be popular.

Good. Now, I haven't had to shock you in quite a while. Will I have do do it again?


Excellent. Now let's head back. Jake's your ride home.

I know it looks like my squip bosses me around, but it just wants what's best for me.

My squip has gotten mad at me countless times for "thinking gay".

One night, I was at a party. This drunk guy I knew came up to me and kissed me, and I didn't know how to feel. My squip told me to push him away, so I did.

The look on his face was unbearable.

It was this mixture of sorrow and doubt, making me feel terrible.

So I did the only thing I could think of doing,

I ran away.

Every since then, I've questioning my sexuality.
With the new upgrade, I am able to shut off my squip, so I used this function to search up on my own "how to tell if I swing both ways."

Multiple things popped up, and I did a little research. I realized that I may be gay, or was it bisexual?

Not like it matters, my squip ended up looking at my search history (bad habit, I forget to close my tabs) and punished me.

So now, every time I think a "gay" thought, I get shocked. It kinda sucks, but again,

It'll make me normal.

I just wanted to point out Jeremy's thinking is very, very backwards. I wanted to show how his character isn't very aware of how things actually are, and how his squip clouds his thoughts.

Thank you for being here for another chapter!
Thanks again!

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