The Past

396 21 15

Michael's Pov
As I woke up the next morning, I felt a feeling s I haven't felt in along time.


I had hope we'd find a squip.

Hope that if Jenna wasn't so mean, then other popular people wouldn't suck.

Hope that I could become popular myself.

I went to my bathroom mirror and just stared at myself for a moment. My eyes had dark circles under them, my hair messy and unwashed.

I've really let myself go.

I get into the shower and and wash my hair with my favorite shampoo. The reason it's my favorite is a little stupid.

It reminds me of Jeremy, in a weird way.

Or of what good friends we used to be anyway.

I open the bottle as a sweet scent emerges from the bottle. He, I mean it, smells like wild berries and rainwater. The scent I know all too well puts me at ease.

As the strong smell fills up the room, I start to think about him.

His messy brown hair that, no matter how you look at it, was perfect.

His pale skin, which looked fair in the sunlight.

His beautiful blue eyes that I get lost in every time I look him.

At this point, I'm basically drooling over him.

How could I still think bout him like this. He left me, he has a girlfriend, I think.

Rumor has it he broke up with Christine because he just wasn't "feeling her" anymore.

That's such a jerk move, who does he think he is?

I went from admiring Jeremy to hating him. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist.

Well, that stuff doesn't matter anymore. Today's the day I go to meet up with Jenna, so I should probably attempt to look good.

Instead of wearing my signature outfit of my red hoodie, I wore a black T-shirt with ripped black jeans. I put on a camo jacket that I thought looked cool, and grabbed my phone to text Jenna.

*Entering Chat*

Antisocial headphones kid is typing...
Antisocial headphones kid-
Hey Jenna! I was just wondering what time we could go to the mall

Jenna Rollin' is typing...
Yeah, sure!
Gimme a minute to shower
We can meet at 12:30, sound good?

Antisocial headphones kid-
Sounds great
See you there

Jenna's Pov
I wake up to the sweet sound of a notification going off.

Is there anything like waking up with your best friend, I mean, your phone by your side?

Okay, I get that it's weird that I love my phone this much, but it's more reliable than most of those stuck-up jerks that go to my school. They're such backstabers sometimes, though, I just can't risk being an outcast again.

Yeah, I know, it's sounds odd but I once was a "loser". I mean, I had friends, but they turned out to be fake. I told my best friend that I was asexual, and things went downhill from there.

Instead of supporting me, she took it the wrong way. She assumed being asexual meant that I didn't like anyone, so she basically told the whole school that I would be alone forever.

It really stung, you know? I mean, I trusted her, and she kinda just turned her back on me.

So after a few months of the teasing, I snapped. I decided that I would give them something new to gossip about. I would start every rumor possible, but this time, they'd be real. Real stories, real betrayals, real breakups, real drama.

That's when I started to get popular. I was known as "gossip girl", only, I would always spread the truth. If people wanted real gossip, they'd go through me first.

I honestly don't know why I'm helping Michael. I mean, usually I'd just spread his words around like a wildfire, but for some reason, I just can't

I feel like I see a bit of myself in him. I know how he felt when his best friend abandoned him, and I kinda want to help. I also want to save him from becoming a popular dickwad who only cares for himself.

But the reality is, these choices are up to him.

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