Shopping! Pt 2

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I could never make you guys wait that long! Enjoy.

As I turn the corner, I see,

Jeremy and Jake?!


No no no, this cannot be happening. I can't face him, what if something happens?

They're sitting at a table with two girls, Jake seems to be telling a joke as the rest laugh.

Jenna sees the worry on my face and directs us out of the way.

"Michael. Calm down. He's not out to get you. But, I doubt that he'll put his kindness over his popularity if he sees you.  For now, I think the best course of action is to just avoid him."

I know I should but, I want to watch him.

I want the person he's hanging out with to be me.

"He's with these girls, Regina George and Heather Chandler...I don't think we should mess with them. They are like, mythic bitches. I mean, they spread almost more rumors than I do! And almost all of them are lies. I know you want to be with him, but you can't right now."

"I know."

"Imagine what they're going to say when, no offense, a nobody at school is caught staring at him! They're going to think that you have an even bigger crush on him than you already do! It'll ruin you! Trust me, alright?!"

"Yeah, ok."

We go up to one of the stores that's as far away from them as possible.

Once we finish ordering, we sit down and eat quickly. We exit, emptying our trays, unseen by them.

"I'm so sorry they had to be there. I had no clue, I swear! If I did-"

"It's okay Jenna, you don't control the entire world. And you're definitely not someone that could've seen this coming!" I say, trying to calm her down.

I feel like everybody relies on her way too much for things like this, knowing everything.

"Ok, thanks Michael. I just want you to trust me, I didn't want you to think that I did that on purpose."

"Well, I know you didn't, so it's cool. Besides, friends wouldn't do that to each other, right?"

I see a gleam in her eye after I say the word 'friend'.

Maybe that's all she needs.

A good, solid friend.

I'm just gonna end it right there because I already posted another chapter today! I guess I was just kind of an April fools with that cliffhanger.

Until next time,

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