By his side

317 21 13

Jake's Pov
Jeremy has been acting weird today.

Like, really weird.

He hasn't been paying much attention to his friends, and he seems to be completely zoned out in class.

I should go after him.

I don't really care what other people think at this point.

Even though I make fun of him a lot, he's still my friend, that should be all that matters.

"I forgot, I have to go too. See you guys later?" I say, getting up from the table.

After I begin walking through the halls away from the cafeteria, I start looking for him.

"Jeremy?" I call out his name, obviously not paying attention to my surroundings. At that moment I end up colliding with someone.

"Hey, watch where you're-" I start, looking at the person I bumped into.


I get up from the ground, brushing my clothes off roughly.

"Jake, wait." He follows after me, making me to speed up.

I refuse to talk to him.

Because after all,

He's the reason my life went to shit.

The hospital was a terrible place.

There seemed to be death around any corner, no one was ever happy.

Not the nurses.

Not the doctors.

Not the patients.

Not me.

Rolling in my wheelchair was the hardest thing to do. People would stare down at me with pity in their eyes. I hated that feeling, being on the receiving end of pity is a sickening thing.

And then there was Rich.

He was the worst of all.

Whenever we saw each other in the hospital, he would look away from me, like I wasn't even there.

One day I decided to stop being scared and ask him what was going on between us.

He looked down at me, with the same look of pain and sorrow everyone else would give me, and then left.

He left.

He didn't even want to talk to me, or try to work things out.

He just left.

It feels like everyone leaves me anyways.

My parents, my girlfriend, and now my best friend.

Soon enough, the feeling became mutual.

We went on, pretending one another never existed.

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