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Jeremy's Pov
Jeremy, what you just did is causing your popularity to plummet. I thought we went over this, emotions make you look weak. You have to go back.

I can't do that right now, okay?

This whole day has been ridiculous. It's been basically a year, and I thought Micheal was done for. Then he just comes out of nowhere acting like he's the shit or something!

I thought that I had finally shown everyone that I was "popular materiel." And he's going to ruin it for me.

I continued to walk down the empty hall, making sure there was no one in sight. There's an old janitors closet at the end of the school's biggest hallway. No one knows about it, that's why me and Micheal would- you know what, never mind.

Now I just go there to talk aloud to my squip, you know, without seeming crazy.

I approach the closet, opening the door quietly and turning the light on. My Squip appears in front of me, a stern disappointed look plastered on its face.

Jeremy, I get that you're angry about this whole Michael situation, but-

"No," I start, cutting it off, "I'm fine, I just want to let him go. You said earlier that my popularity was decreasing, right? How do I bring it up?"

The Squip sat and thought for a second, it decided to look through my social media to see if anything was going on in the world.

We scroll through social media for awhile, and then stop on a post saying "Party at Kelly's! Be there!"

Ok, so Kurt Kelly, the guy in your first period, is throwing a party to "celebrate" his parents leaving for a week. I guess it's also a "back to school" thing, you know, to see which freshman are hot enough to get with.

"Got it. I'm assuming the whole football team will be there, along with cheerleaders and a bunch of other people?"

Exactly.The party will be this Friday, so you just have to get through the week. I don't think Michael is at that level of popularity yet, so he may not be invited.

"Sounds like a plan."

Before putting my phone away, I decide to look through my posts, since it doesn't look like the fifth period bell's going to ring anytime soon.

After scrolling for awhile, I stop on an old picture of Michael and I. We're smiling hard, hanging out in the basement playing video games. This is the happiest I think I've ever seen him, he looks so handso-

A shock goes through my body, one of the most painful so far. I wince in pain, struggling ho hold back a few tears.

Jeremy, crying makes you weak. We don't hang around Michael anymore. He's a loser. Are you a loser Jeremy?


Another shock, not as painful this time, runs down my spine.

Stuttering makes you weak. I erased Michael from you life for a reason. I refuse to lay my hard work go to waste because you decided that you wanted to be with guys all of a sudden. Are you a pussy Jeremy?


Good. Now delete the photo.

I do as I'm told, deleting the image from my phone, therefore deleting it from my memory.


The alarm for fifth period goes off, signaling my departure.

I know the squip seems cruel, but it just wants what's best for me, and I want that too.

Do not mess this up Jeremy.



Michael's Pov
This has honestly been the best week of my life.

Everyone seems to like me, I haven't made any mistakes or been "awkward" like normal.

Right now, I'm sitting in class with Jenna at my right. Class has always been easy, but with the squip, I'm able to think about whatever I want, while still being able to pay attention.

Michael, this week you have made excellent progress. At this rate, you'll be one of the most popular people in school.


Now, there's going to be a party at Kurt's house today, you and Jenna will go together, is that clear?

Sure, but how do you know she'll agree?

I don't.

You don't?

You see, there's a fifty-fifty chance she'll come. We just have to hope for the best.

"Okay class, five minute bell. Clean up your stuff and get ready for your next block."

"Hey, Jenna- can a ask you a favor?" I start, fiddling my a pencil.

"What's up?" She replies, looking into my eyes.

"I was wondering if maybe... you'd like to come to Kurt's party with me tonight?" I say, basically rambling.

"Sorry babe, but hard pass." She answers, a little too quickly.

"Awwww, why???"

"Michael, Kurts parties kinda suck. Him and his hard-headed football buddies just throw them to get laid, drunk, and high." She comments, with a large eye roll coming after.

"I know... but don't you want to make some new friends?"

"I don't need friends, they disappoint me." She adds, with a weird hand movement coming afterward.

I sigh loudly, making Jenna snicker.

"What can I do to get you to come?"

She thinks for a while, then finds her answer.

"You have to pay my phone bill for the next two months." She responds with a sly smile.

"But Jenna-"

"But nothing." She adds, cutting me off. "Last offer, take it or leave it."

"One minute remaining class!" The teacher announces.

"Tick tock Michael~"

"Ugh, fine..." I say, slamming my head in my desk.

"Pleasure doing business." She says, and as if in cue, the bell rings. "I'll pick you up at eight."


Well at least you got her to come. Trust me, this party will be really good for your image, so you should be happy.

Ok, at least that's good.

But I'm gonna be so broke! (Chill Michael)

Hey guys! Another chapter, thanks for sticking around. I love each and every one of you!


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