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As you may know, this is my first book. Honestly, I just jumped into this whole thing without a plan and I've been making this up as I go. Anyway, right now I think this book will only be thirty chapters at most.

Now, on with the story!

Michael's Pov
It all happened so fast.

At first, I just thought Jeremy was just drunk, and would only pass out or something. But when he started looking at me with those big eyes and whispering those drunken compliments, I couldn't help but think:

Maybe this was what he actually felt?

Maybe that's how Jeremy really saw me, but he didn't want to tell me. Maybe he likes me?

A loud creaking sound snaps me out of my thoughts. I then hear something like a flash, startling me. Though, since my back is paced toward the door, I'm unable to identify the source of the sound. I'm a little bit preoccupied anyways.

I need to get a grip. Time to focus on what's happening right in front of you!

Our lips are still connected. I've never felt like this before, but something seems off. My body, my mind, my soul is telling me to keep going. That I may never get a moment like this again, and I should cherish it.

But my heart?

It's telling me this isn't right. It's saying that Jeremy is drunk, he doesn't know how to feel.

It's saying that I can't do this.

I pull apart from his him hesitantly, he responds with a look of sadness. His eyes start to droop, and then, finally, he passes out.

I lie him back down on the bed, and leave the room.

I definitely need a breath of fresh air. Actually, it's pretty late, maybe I should head home.

Afterwards, I quickly find Jenna so I can get a ride home. She seems to be having a conversation with a few other people when I find her.

She glances over to me and briefly excuses herself from her friends.

After telling her I needed to get back, we walked out of the house and got into Jenna's car. She and I both sigh simultaneously, tired from the night we'd just had.

"Well, what did you think about your first party, Michael?" Jenna says with a sarcastic smirk. She start to pull out of her parking area and gets on the road.

"It was fun." I reply, yawning loudly.

Absolutely crazy.


What time is it?

It is currently 10:56 am, eastern standard time.

My head is killing me.

That's expected after attending a party, Michael. I'm assuming all went well?


Michael, did anything happen when I was out?

Well, I don't know if-

As your squip, it is my job to take care of you, as well as pay attention to you. I am not able to attain memories in your drunken state, so I need you to help me out here, okay?

Jeremy kissed me.

I'm sorry?

It all happened really fast.

Do you know what this means Michael? All of our hard work could be ruined. Was anyone else there? This is not good.

No one else was! And I'm almost sure-


-that he won't remember. He was drunk, and so was I. When he kissed me, I didn't know what to do, I'm sorry.

It's fine Michael. All we can do right now is just hope for the best. Though, I hope you realize this means you need to be more responsible.

I understand.

Out of nowhere, our short conversation gets interupted by a loud ding.

The message is from a group chat that I joined. My squip says that it's got some of the biggest gossipers at school, and that definitely need to be on top of important information.

Jenna warned me that the majority of the stuff they say on there is bull, but I joined just to be sure.

Once I open the app to read the message, I immediately break into a cold sweat looking at the text displayed across the screen.

'Have you heard?
At the very end of last night's party,
Jeremy Heere was spotted making out
With. A. Guy.
Someone said he walked in on them about to "do the deed"
He even got a picture!
Spread the word!'

Below the message, there was a picture of Jeremy, kissing with me. The lighting was terrible, so you could only see a glimpse his face. I'm lucky my back was turned, I wasn't identifiable.


The chat filled up with insults and rude remarks quickly.

'Woah, I had no clue he gay.'

'I know right, that's disgusting.'

'Lmao can't believe I thought he was cute.'

I couldn't help but feel bad for him. They're really slamming him right now for this

This is why we must be careful. You are incredible lucky that no one knows that the person he was with was you! Look at what they're doing to Jeremy right now, that could have been you!

I know. I'm sorry.

Don't worry. Jeremy's doesn't necessarily need to drag you down with him. Even with his squip, he's too timid in these type of situations. Hopefully, you'll be fine.

It's not me that I'm worried about.

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