Class is in session

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Micheal's Pov
Detention? Come on, Micheal.

It wasn't my fault, I was trying to help.

After Jeremy's fight with Dustin, word spread to the teachers that I was included in the fight. I ended up getting called to the office and earning myself a week of detention.

But you ended up interfering!

But I-

I thought we had already come to an agreement. You said you wanted to be the most popular guy at school, and right now, Jeremy is an obstacle. You can't just try to save him all the time, he didn't even want your help!

You're right, I just really thought I was doing something good.

I know pushing down feelings is unhealthy, but we don't have time for them right now. Maybe you can get with him later, but right now, our primary objective should be popularity, okay? Especially now that you have competition.


And I promise, at any chance we get, I will get you with him. It'll be like a second objective, alright?



When first period rolled around, class was abuzz, welcoming Jeremy back. Giving him high fives, praises and such, it was like he was some type of hero, defending his honor against evil.

"Good morning class! Make your way to you your seats."

I do as the teacher says, pulling out my chair and sitting down. Jeremy follows not too far behind me.

"Mr Heere! I see you have returned from your brief vacation." Comments our teacher, Mrs. Sawyer.

She walks back to the corner of the class where we sit. Jeremy's cheeks tint with red as he averts her gaze.

"How did you even get in that fight anyway?"

Jeremy slowly met her eyes while the rest of the class zeroed into their conversation.

Before he could respond, a voice comes from across the classroom.

Harsh wording ahead

"One of Dustin's friends called him a f*g."

"Excuse me?" The teacher tears her head from Jeremy to see where the remark came from.

The class resumed silence immediately.

"That's what happened." The student remains confident in his statement.

"Never use that word in my classroom ever again. Do you understand me?" She demands, waiting for a response.

"Why not? I didn't use it in the context of an insult. I just stated what happened." He says, challenging our teacher.

"You use that word to define people for what they are anyways." He says "You know, gay peop-" Mrs Sawyer then slammed her hand on his desk, causing him to finally shut up.

"How many of you in here agree with his statement? Raise your hands."

No one speaks. The silence starts to become unbearable.

"Be honest."

Some of the class starts to raise their hands hesitantly.

The rest disagreed or said nothing.

"Okay, class put up your books. We're going to try something."

The sound of paper being whipped around the classroom, as well as bags being unzipped and things being put away took up the class.

Once we were sure everyone was done, we settled our attention back to out teacher.

"We're going to play a game. But before the game, I would like to collect some information from all of you. It won't be anything hard, just some questions, though they do revolve around honesty. I need you all to promise that you will have immediate responses throughout the questions and be honest with each and every one of them."

A few students groan.

"It's either this or a pop quiz."

Now that got the class stirring.

Loud complaints came from the majority of the class.

"So do you all promise?"

"Yes ma'am." the class responded simultaneously.

"Good. This will be simple. If you have experienced something I ask about, you will raise your hand. If I see a moment of hesitation, I will call you out immediately, since this may be a sign of lying. Let's begin."

The focus was on Mrs. Sawyer. The game was odd, out of the blue. No one knew why or what gave her the idea to decide to play it.

"Question one; Have any of you ever been at the receiving end of an insult?"

Everyone in class raise their hands.

"Would anyone like to share your slur or insult? I will allow cursing for today, just not too profound."

One student shares her experience of fighting against xenophobia, another about sexism. Mrs sawyer seems pleased to have some students start to open up.

"Thank you so much for that. Hands down."

We do as she instructs.

"Question two; how many of you have witnessed anyone discriminating against someone?" She asks.

Everyone else raises their hands as well looking either confident, or guilty.

"Alright, hands down. Question three. How many people have been on the receiving end of discrimination?"

A few students raise their hands. Some students who have their hands down snicker amongst themselves.

"Please treat this seriously"

Silence again.

Mrs. Sawyer turns around to face the classes board. She writes in big, bold letters the word "PREJUDICE" and turns back to the class.

"The real game can now begin."

In a lot of the recent events on the news in America, we have been able to see prejudice in this country. The next chapter will be talking about injustice. It is relevant to the plot, so I hope you no one skips it!

Hope to see you again

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