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My Pov
Here's your epilogue! I'm sorry I came out with it so late, I've been debating whether or not to just leave this book on a high note or to write more. (Plus I've been focusing on my other books)

Thank you guys so much. You have no idea how grateful  I am for each and every one of you.

Third person Pov

🎶I should just buy him a rose🎶
Compliment him on his clothes
Say I appreciate that he's smart.
Or I should tell him that he excites me sexually
🎶And that's the way I'll get to his heart🎶

Michael calmly hummed these lyrics, a sweet tone laced beneath each note.

He gently strokes his dorm room's floor with a broom, reminiscing  about he and his boyfriend's college graduation this year. The two had picked the same place to attend, strategically planning to spend all the time in the world together.

He found it tough to believe that everything involving the super quantum unit inter processor, more commonly known as the squip, happened almost 4 1/2 years ago. Micheal bitterly reminisced about how he and Jeremy were once stuck in an endless cycle of pain. The boy was forced to search endlessly for a reason to keep on going on.

He had almost quit countless times, the strife he'd face daily begged the question "is going on worth it?".

Of corse it was. If not for all of that trouble, he wouldn't be with the love of his life right now.

"What are you humming?" Jeremy asks, cracking the dormitories door open. He takes the broom from Michael's hand and moves his boyfriend's arms from down at their sides to around him.

"Just a song I heard way back when." Michael responds. Jeremy releases himself from the embrace and brings Micheal to his bed to lie down instead. Micheal starts lightly stroking Jeremy's hair as they stay surrounded in sweet silence.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" Michael asks quietly.

"Of course, I'd go anywhere with you." Jeremy responds, making Michael chuckle lightly.

After a moment more, the two exit the building.

Jumping into Michael's car, they pull out of their parking space and drive. Drive for what feels like hours.

Eventually, Jeremy falls asleep.


"Good morning sunshine ."

Jeremy rubs his eyes lightly and takes in their surroundings. The two of them are parked in a vacant area, a short railing blocks a meadow of grass and flowers.

The sky was a medium tone of swirled blues and grays. Michael then got out of the car and opened Jeremy's door for him with a smile. Jeremy took Michael's hand happily. Afterwards, they both walked up to the railing.

The night sky was already visible, Jeremy leaned his elbows against the railing and began to watch the stars. As for Michael, he already had something perfect down on earth too look at standing right next to him.

After just watching for a minute, Jeremy noticed Michael's wide eyes directed at him instead of the breathtaking sky.

"Why aren't you looking at the stars? You don't like stargazing anymore?"

"No, it's just that the stars in your eyes are much nicer to look at." Micheal responding, gushing warmly.

Jeremy instantly started to blush, pushing his head back up to the clouds so his partner wouldn't see. Afterwards, he closed his eyes to take in the surrounding fresh air.

He then felt a raindrop on the tip of his nose, which took him aback. The small droplets immediately quickened, doubling in size and slowly drenching the couple.

Jeremy was about to make a run for it when he suddenly felt his hand being taken into the other's yet again.

"Ever tried dancing in the rain?"

Michael pulled his boyfriend closer to his chest and intertwined their hands, giving Jeremy a peck on the lips in the process. At that point, Jeremy knew he was visibly flustered but went along with his boyfriend's request.

Though the darkness easily cloaked the two figures in the night, Michael's cars's headlights shined brightly on them, making the raindrops that surrounded them glisten.

The couple was having the times of their lives, and having that special time together was all they could ask for.

After a while, they danced crazily, partaking in every dance they knew. The feeling of joy that came to the two was almost overwhelming.

Once the raindrops withdrew from heavy rain to more of a sprinkle, the pair seemed to mutually agreed to a slow dance. They came together, Michael's arm around Jeremy's waist, and swayed to a nonexistent rhythm.

The two waltzed slowly, the light raindrops no longer bothering them. In fact, everything surrounding them seemed to have faded.

In that instance, nothing else mattered but the two of them in that spot.

So they kept going.

Until their legs felt like they were giving out.

Until they were high off of their happiness.

Until they felt all the love for each other they possibly could.

Then, the two kisses in the rain, warmly and lovingly.

They soon put their heads together as their motion came to a stop. Finally, they retreated to the car, both soaking wet with absolutely no regrets.

Michael started up the vehicle and took his boyfriend in for a tender kiss. He placed another on Jeremy's forehead, for good measure.

"I love you, Jeremy Heere." Jeremy leaned his head upon the driver's shoulders and responded with a quaint whisper.

"I love you too, Michael Mell."

And I love you guys.

With all the love in the world,

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