Fights. Just don't have 'em.

285 19 25

Michael's Pov
At the end of sixth period, or most people's empty period, there was a rush in the hallway.

"Where are we going?"

"What's going on?"

"You don't know?"

"Jeremy Heere and Dustin Crop are duking it out!"

"Are you gonna get it on video?"

"This'll be awesome."

I start to run in the direction of the crowd, trying to push my way to the front.

Michael, where do you think you're going?

Jeremy's getting in a fight.


So, I'm gonna try and stop it.


Harsh wording ahead

Jeremy's Pov

"Do we have a fucking problem?"

Everything went so fast. What started off as a member of Dustin's little "posse" mumbling a small insult under his breath, turned into a full blown battle.

I was just trying to put my books in my locker.

Can't I go one second without some ass calling me out?

This is what happens during shifts of popularity. Hit them back, hard. Don't let them win. Actually, now that I think about it, this might help.

I guess my reply set a fire under Dustin's ass, because as soon as I spoke, he spun on his heels, slamming my locker door shut.

"I don't know... can gay guys even fight? Oh, maybe you should call your boy toy up here and see if he can defend your weak ass."

Reject the clam, then go on to say the photo was edited. There seem a to be a small crowd forming.

"That's fucking bull. That photo was edited. I just don't know how a future drop out could even figure out how to edit, let alone use a computer."

"I saw what I saw, Heere." He starts, moving closer to me. His lackeys seemed to dissapear in the crowd surrounding Dustin and I, making the both of us the center of attention.

Threaten his masculinity. Tell him he should settle this like a man.

"You didn't see shit. Look, I don't know why you want to bring me down, but if you want to settle this, at least try to do it like a man. Grow a pair of balls." I spat, grabbing him by the collar. He looks mad, really mad. But also flustered.

I've got him where I want him.

"You're gonna fucking regret that Heere-"

He then punches me straight across the face, causing me to stumble back. Walking back toward him, I swing at his face, once in the eye.

He grabs my collar, attempting to get some more hits in. He swings once, twice, I'm starting to taste copper.

Until I hear-

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