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Has anyone told you that you look amazing today? You're so damn cool. I wish I could be looking at you face to face right now, just to admire you. Though I can't se you, I absolutely know all of this is true. God, or whatever you believe in, really does have his favorites, huh? You're Stunninh.

Jeremy's Pov
Jeremy, how did the experiment go? Wait, where are we going, class isn't over yet.

I left early.


I can't take this.It's too much pressure, I need a break right now.

No. "Breaks" aren't allowed, Jeremy. They're unneeded, a step towards admitting defeat.

I open a janitor closet's door, not far from the classroom. Though, far enough not to get followed.

The squip projects at a mental image of himself, frustration flushed on it's face.

I thought about what Mrs. Sawyer said, about being popular a second ago.

Mrs. Sawyer? I wasn't there for whatever she might've told you, but I know for a fact that she's crazy. You're going to listen to her over me?

I just meant that maybe she could be right.

What do you mean Jeremy? I've been working so hard for you for so long, trying to get you all you ever wanted, to be popular, but I've hardly gotten anything back. I took you from nothing, basically the scum of the earth, to Mr. Popular, and you're telling me you just want to throw it all away because of some teacher?

That's not true! It's because—

Wait. Is this because of Michael? The squil questions, after cutting me off once again.

No! I swear, this has nothing to do with him!

It does, doesn't it. Ever since that worthless idiot made his way back into your life, you've been acting strange. Is he messing you up too? Dragging you down to the depths of hell as well? This time, his speech makes my body feel cold.

That's not-

Shut it, I've heard enough of your excuses.

A loud shock is sent through my body, making a deafening cracking sound. this one stronger than any I had ever felt before. I gasp out in pain, dropping to my knees. I then revive two more shocks, both louder than the last.

"Please, it hurts." I plead, though I receive no answer.

"Please stop."

If you're going to mess up the plan, I'm going to punish you for it.

Multiple tears escape from my eyes as more shocks run down my back. Shortly, I start to loose grip on reality, slipping away to the void of darkness under my eyelids.

Micheal's Pov
After being called to Mrs. Sawyer's desk, Jeremy dashed out of classroom, a look of fear painted on his face. He seemed distressed and drained, leaving as if he had seen a ghost.

"Jeremy, class isn't over yet! Jeremy!" The teacher called out after hun, hoping for him to return. She had no success.


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