Jenna roland calling!

439 19 27

Michael's POV
I go up to the counter and see a farmiliar face.

Wait, Jenna?!

Jenna Roland?!

"Welcome to Shakes and stuff!"

"What can I for you? Wait, do I know you?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah, um, I'm Michael. I know that we didn't talk a lot, but I sat behind you in Ap Science!" I said.

"Oh, I remember you! You were the 'antisocial headphones kid' that Jeremy used to hang out with!"

Is that really what people call me behind my back?

"So Micheal, what can I get you?" Jenna asked.

"Rainbow sherbet please."

As Jenna handed me the ice cream, I made a small, maybe crucial decision.

I'm going to strike up a real conversation with her.

Yeah, I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but for me it is. Plus, Jenna is, or used to be I mean, one if the most popular girls in school.

She knows everything about everybody (That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets)

"So, Jenna, why are you working here?" I say, in the most nonchalant voice I can muster.

"Oh, my parents got mad at me for using up all of my data. We still have no clue how I surpassed 'unlimited'."

We both laugh at her joke.

Huh. She seems pretty chill. Well, I mean, I guess people are just people, no matter how popular they are.

"Would you mind if I asked you a question?" I said to her, in a semi-hushed tone.

"Shoot." She says as I pass my money to her on the counter.

"Have you heard anything about a squip?" I whisper. Her eyes shoot open as she drops my change on the table.

"Um, one second, I'm gonna be taking my break early today." She shouts.

"Ok Jen, no problem. Just don't take too long!" He said, waving us off. Once he disappears, Jenna jumps from behind the counter and drags me outside.

She gestures to a table and we sit down.

"When did you learn about squips? From where? Who told you?" She whisper-shouts, shaking my arm.

"Woah! Can we calm down?" I yell. She's kinda going hysterical, frantically looking around to see if anyone was watching us. It was a quiet day, so no one was really here.

"I'm sorry, I've just, I've just been looking for information about those things for a long time!" She said.

"I don't have much intel, but from what I hear, this whole 'squip' thing started with Rich. They make you, like, popular!" She yelled. I put a finger up to my lips to remind her what we were talking about.

"Well anyway, with research, I discovered that Rich did actually come here his freshman year! It's just that, no one noticed him. Then, bam! He just had a popularity boost and everyone loved him!" She said, making multiple hand gestures. Jenna was one of those overdramatic people who talks with their hands. (As am I)

A few people start to file in with balloons and presents.

Looks like a birthday party.

Jenna's boss calls her back to the counter.

"Look, I can't talk right now, but call me later tonight, alright?" She says, getting ready to go back to the counter.

"Oh, ok! It's no problem! We wouldn't be able to talk much with all these people in here." I agreed.

She nods her head and agreement, and then goes off, yelling "So, who's the lucky birthday kid?!"

As I head out of the parlor with my now melting rainbow sherbet, I start to think.

Maybe I misjudged popular kids. I mean, I thought that they were all just heartless, soulless, brainless kids who flaunted their status on everyone under them. Jenna seems like a really nice person, maybe I should try not to judge a book by its cover.

Did you miss me? So, I said that the chapters would get longer gradually, but sorry if this isn't the length that you expected. By the way, I will be updating every Saturday! I just felt that I could update early this week. Also, if you would like any more ships from the musical, or any other musical, I would be happy to add them in the future!


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