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Jeremy's Pov
I woke up today with a throbbing headache. I was still at Kurts house, most likely sprawled out in his bed.

I guess I passed out?

I decide to just get out of the house, still disoriented from the night. I get in my house by crawling though my window.

Last nights party is a blur for me. The last thing I remember is drinking some weird combination of alcohol as a dare. I guess it was stronger that I thought though, it knocked my squip out along with me.


I thought it was mostly beer!

I don't think that was just beer.

Jeremy, there was a lot of alcohol in that drink. I'm unable to hold myself in your mind in this state, I have to go.


I know I came with this girl, my date presumably.

But that's all I remember.

You really messed up Jeremy.


Check your phone.

I looks like I've been removed from a bunch of group chats. There are some calls on my phone, ones from my dad, from my friends, from Jake.

What happened?

What did I do?

I crash down on my bed and close my eyes, trying to remember what could have happened.

I decide to look back through the messages. Maybe there will be something to tell me what happened.

Then, my stomach drops.

'Have you heard?
At the very end of last night's party,
Jeremy Heere was spotted making out-
With. A. Guy.
Dustin Crop says he walked in on them about to "do the deed"
He even got a picture!
Spread the word!'

No way.

I wouldn't!

You did Jeremy.

The same message seemed to be copied and pasted in every chat I had been in.

This can't be happening.

(Harsh wording ahead)

Why would you do this? After all that we've worked for, you just had to decide to kiss a guy? Are girls not enough for you? I thought I told you you weren't allowed to be with guys.

I-I'm sorry.

A loud, crackling sound erupts from my room, sending a terrible shock down my spine. This is the worst one yet, and it hurts like hell.

Don't stutter.

Another shock finds it's way down my back, forcing a tears to come down my face.

Don't cry.

A few more shocked are sent out, causing me to hold my sides in pain.

And never do anything like that again.

I won't. Sorry.

You messed up Jeremy. I have no clue how to fix the mess you made .


Michael's Pov
Over the weekend, the rumors about Jeremy have only gotten worse.

Though, something happen that forged a shield in front of the insults Jeremy was hit with.

Jake stuck up for Jeremy.

He told everyone that they should lay off of him, that they were being unfair. Someone confronted him, asking if he was gay too, and he responded, "I think I am."

So now, not only Jeremy is being shunned, but Jake is too. The two most popular boys at school, thrown off their pedestals just like that.

I feel terrible, my squip has had to physically stop me from replying to some of their harsh texts.

Michael, I know you want to help Jeremy, but it would be terrible for your image right now.

I know, but-

Michael, I know you like him. And before you say anything, yes you do like him. More than as a friend, you don't have to question it anymore. But you've fallen in love with a version of this boy that might not even exist anymore. The memory of him and reality are clashing. You have to stop chasing that fantasy.


You've been very indecisive about this 'crush', going from loving him to not. But right now, you can't have your cake and eat it too. You must choose. Jeremy or popularity? I'll warn you though, If you pick Jeremy, he may not even like you back.

Or, you could continue on this popularity path, and be the most popular guy in school.

What the squip is saying actually makes sense. I think I do love Jeremy, but he probably won't like me back anyways, it's not a good gamble.

So Michael, what's it gonna be?

To the tune of upgrade.
🎶I already know what it's like to🎶
Be the loser.
I should find out what it's like to
Not be the loser.
Though I wanna be with him,
I don't think that I'm what he wants right now.
Should I stay this way?
🎶Should I stay this way~?🎶

What have you decided, Michael?

I want to be the most popular guy in school.

Good decision. Now,

Let's get to work.

Hey guys! I just want to explain something to you. Every time I use the phrase 'bad/harsh wording ahead', it means the "F-word" will be in use, and not the one that rhymes with duck.


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