New me.

337 23 40

Michael's Pov
*RINGGGGGGGG* (alarm clock noises idk)

When the hell did I get an alarm clock?

You've always had one Michael, you just never use it. I set it for 5:45 for optimal rest. Now, are you ready for school?

I-I guess?

Michael, you shouldn't stutter. It makes others question your dominance, not to mention it threatens your superiority .


Now, let's start the day.

To the tune of that one song song before A guy that I'd kinda be into
🎶I wanna try to be the cool guy,🎶
So I won't be so left out
At all the parties after school
I'll no longer be stuck there picking at grout
🎶Now I have no reason to doubt🎶

🎶Now get ready to really start to thrive🎶

🎶Na an na na na na na na, na na🎶

My squip helps me find a nice first day of school outfit. I feel really good about today.

Michael, first impressions are everything. This is why I'm going to have to give you a new haircut, manually.

The process isn't hard. My squip downloads a file, and then sends them to my neural and muscle memory.

Calibration complete.

The cut takes about twenty minutes, and honestly I've never looked better.

(it's kind of like a bit of an undercut style/touch up)


Let's get ready to head out.

🎶All and all a good start to the day.🎶

🎶Na na na na na na na na na na🎶

My squip then tells me to call Jenna and ask her for a ride.

Michael, your car is a little bit too old to drive to school. Plus, riding with Jenna will boost your popularity by 3.59%.

She agrees to give me a ride, giving me about half an hour to finish getting ready.

Once she arrives, honking her horn in my driveway.

"Hey Jenna!" I say, stepping into her car.

"What's up Michael? Ready for hell, or school?"

She and I laugh a bit loudly, clearing the air as she pulls out of the driveway.

"Hey, Michael, I know your squip is probably on right now, and I just want to say I don't really want a part of it, the "battle to be liked aspect" I mean. I know I'm probably coming off as mean, but I don't want to loose another friend to popularity and help them in the process."

"I get it Jenna, it's fine."

"And you!" She starts, still looking in my direction. "If you turn Michael into some stuck up dickwad, I will re-arrange your coding and destroy you completely."

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