Life could be beautiful

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If you get the title, I love you. Also, please stay safe during quarantine.

Michael's POV
Once I got home that night, I immediately started to think up new ideas and theories about the squip. If Jenna knew about it, did everyone else? More importantly, if everyone else knew about them, would more people be trying to get them? Was there a raise in price?

A light ringtone interrupted my thoughts, Three little birds by Bob Marley.

Huh, unknown caller.

I pick up the phone anyway, and are surprised to hear a loud female voice.

"Hello, is this Michael? It's Jenna."

Oh, I totally forgot that we were supposed to talk later. But I never gave her my number,
How'd she get it?

"You're probably wondering how I got your number. Let's just say, I know a guy."

Well, that's not creepy at all.

"Oh, ok, that's cool." I start, having Basotho clue what to say, "So, about the squips, do you know if anybody's selling them?"

"Actually, I have a few ideas, but first, I need to tell me everything you know. I think I know why you're asking about these things, and I'm willing to help. You seem like a nice guy."

"If I can be honest, all of the rumors I've heard about you being a cold person who lives for gossip don't seem to be true. I mean, you're willing to help me, and you barely even know me." I reply.

The other line goes silent for awhile.

"What can I say? Sometimes rumors are just rumors." She says.

I honestly feel kinda bad for her. She's a pretty nice person, it's just that no one wants to get to know her under all of the rumors and gossip.

"Well anyway," I continued, " I'm going to tell you everything I know. I trust you, Jenna."

After what felt like hours of explaining, we started to connect the dots.

"Okay..." she murmured, "So we know is that the last person to get a squip was Jeremy, who bought it for $600 from Payless, but that guy was arrested. Now, I'm pretty sure that if they guy from Payless was selling squips, he would have one himself.

(He did in the book, O don't know about the musical. I've memorized the soundtrack, but not the actual play)

"So it the guy's squip was smart enough to let's say, hide the squips, then the most logical place would be not at his house, but maybe at the Payless?" Jennie questions.

"Oh, I see what you're saying! So all we have to do to find the squips us check in the back where the guy was selling them!" I exclaim.

"Michael, I just want to tell you I kinda pieced together the reason you want a squip. You miss Jeremy, right? And the only way to get back to him is to become popular."

"Um, maybe?" I stutter. I'm a flustered mess.

"But, how did you know?!"

"Well, at first I though you were out for revenge, but then I realized, after talking to you, that you were too much of a sweetheart to do that!"

Now I was really freaking out.

Am I that obvious?

"Hey, let me let you in on a little secret." Se states, a little out of the blue, but, who am I to say no?

"Wait, you're trusting me with a secret? I barely even know you yet."

"Yeah, but like I said before, you seem like a pretty nice guy, the type that wouldn't go on a power trip if they obtained popularity, so I trust you."

I really was wrong about Jenna.

"Look, I know that people at school make being gay sound like a big deal but, it really isn't. I mean, Chloe and Brooke are in a secret relationship right now, um, oops. It's ok to be yourself, alright? ."

"thanks."  I whisper,

"No problem, babe. Well, see you tomorrow at, um? 12ish? Don't worry, I already have your address."

"Yeah, definitely!"

You guys don't know how much seeing people read my story means to me. It's my first one, so the support is really awesome!

Until next time!

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