I got a squip.

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Michael's Pov
Last night, Jenna and I hung out for awhile. We basically just binged Netflix and had pizza.

She's an awesome friend. She told me she had to leave at around 11:30, and I sent her off at the door.

Now all l have to do is wait.

I honestly hadn't been timing the exact moment when my squip would show up, so the activation would be kinda unpredictable. I know I took the pill at around 10:30, so the activation should be tomorrow morning.

I really hope it works, since the first day of school is in a few days. As long as the squip doesn't come up at the wrong time, I should be good.

I decide to head off to bed early. I want to be well rested for my "big day" tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I'll be a new me.


"Michael, I've missed you."

"Jeremy? What are you-"

I'm cut off with a kiss. We're in some sort of bedroom, both of us on the bed. Jeremy begins straddling me.

"I love you Michael, I want to be with you. Have you missed me?"

He starts kissing my neck, taking off my shirt in the process.

"I've wanted to be with you since forever."


I start to study Jeremy. He looks beautiful. His eyes are full of lust, making him look needy. His brown mop of hair is messy, but not in the "out of place" type of way.

He puts his hand on the side of my face, caressing it gently.

"Do you want to go all the way with me?"

Pushing me down on the bed, he once again connects our lips.He puts his knee in between my crotch and starts playing with my hair.

"Let's go all the way."


What the hell? It was just a dream?

Yes Michael, it was, and sadly it was the best dream you've ever had. I should fix that.

"Who said that?"

Relax Michael. I'm your Squip. I manifested approximately 35 minutes and 20 seconds ago. I was monitoring your memories and dreams.

"I didn't know you could do that."

Number one: yes I can. And number two: don't speak aloud to me. Just think what you want to say.

Oh, ok.

My default mode as of now is set to Teenage Dream Girl. Would you like me to change my image or personality to suit you better?

What do you mean?

Well, I can change my appearance according to my users interests. Usually I would default to a beautiful woman to intrigue boys, but you don't seem to be that interested.

I glance at my squip, which is projected in front of me. She's really pretty, with green eyes and blonde hair tied in a bun. She looks like a serious businesswoman, dressed in a suit and pencil skirt, glasses falling off the tip of her nose.

Maybe this is good. Without distractions, you'll do better with your objective.

That's fine.

Now, as I'm sure you're aware, a squips job is to get its user to accomplish whatever they want to achieve. Looking through your memory that so far I've only been able to skim, you would like to get with Jeremy Heere, is that correct?

I'd like to become popular, actually.

That doesn't seem to be the objective your heart is set on. Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

Okay then. As you know, tomorrow will be your first day of school. I must get you ready for the upcoming challenges.


You see, you don't seem to have the best track record with anybody, eccept for Jenna Roland, she could be an excellent pawn.

But she's my friend, not someone to use.

If you insist. You mustn't consider everyone you meet a friend Michael. Jenna seems to be nice, but so did Jeremy. Anyway, back to the topic of school.

My Squip briefly explained to me that to become more popular, I would need to change my physical appearance a bit. She decided to go online and order new clothes for me, since she was sure she was going to throw away half of my closet.

She then lectured me about knowing who to talk to. Since I don't usually pay that much attention in school, I only knew who the main popular people were, not all the others.

She also showed me how to repeat after her when talking to people, which I got the hang of quickly.

I spent the whole day learning new things from my squip. Turns out, the new "generation" of squips are designed to have some sort of human like personality.

To become even more compatible with our humans, we must act like an ideal best friend.

That makes sense.

I'm happy that you're a good kid Michael. I could've ended up with much more of a fixer upper. You've made my job easier.

Oh, thanks.

Michael, Monday is going to be a big day for us. Our first real field test, not to mention a new look on your image at school. Are you ready?


Hey! I am so sorry for the late update. I felt lazy, and I didn't want to half ass the chapter.

Also, Michael's Squip is not really human, so I may call it a she or an it. I'm not sure, but I'll figure it out.

Have a good day!

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