Shopping! Pt 1

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Michael's Pov
Jenna called me again at around 12:15.

"Hey Michael! I'm outside, so you can start heading out."

"No problem, I'll be out in a bit."

Once I got outside, I saw a white Honda pull up in my driveway. As I hop into the front seat, I notice all the unique decorations Jenna has in her car.

She has multiple different car ornaments and stickers and things that kind of make it her own.

"l like your car."

"Oh thanks!" She says, " It's a hand me down from my parents, but I tried to make it special."

We ride to the mall in a comfortable silence. I pull out my phone and start to check social media. I see a picture of Jeremy and Jake hanging out together.

The pictures of the two of them, sitting down eating ice cream. They look happy, but it could be artificial just for the camera.

Or maybe that's how good friends hang out.

Or rather, how we used to hang out.

"Wow, you still follow him?"

"Yeah, I guess I never thought about unfollowing."

"Well it looks like he still follows you too."

I check the page and see that she's right. I can't believe it, it's true?

"No, maybe he just forgot to unfollow me. It looks like he's been trying to cut off all ties in every other way."

"Or, he still follows you, maybe, he still wants to know how you're doing."

I had never considered that. But I really shouldn't get my hopes up.

As we pull up in the parking lot, I see a familiar car. I don't know why I recognize it, but I know I've seen it before.

"Hey! Earth to Michael! Let's go!" Jenna says, a little agitated. Have I been a ignoring her?

"Yeah! Sorry, wasn't paying attention."

We start to walk inside.

I totally forgot how loud malls are.

"The Payless is right around the corner, but do you want to look around first? I'm kind of hungry." She says.

I realize I'm starving as well. I totally skipped lunch trying to figure out what I should wear.

"Yeah, sure. The food court isn't that far from the Payless anyway." I say.

Reminds me of the day that Jeremy and I got a squip together. We were both so excited.

And look where we are now.

We head towards the food court, hearing some loud laughing.

As I turn the corner, I see...

Sorry about the cliffhanger my friends! But don't worry! I'm going to post the next chapter much earlier than usual. Thank you so much for reading!

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