What Happened? (2)

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Pattons POV

The people Logan had been talking with said that they would be at the house at exactly 5:30, but it was now 5:50, and there had been no sign of them. Originally, at 5:30, everyone had been standing at the door waiting. At that moment there had been exited, but now as they all were sitting on the couch, with Moana on the TV, the only think in the air was stress and anxiety.
Logan got up from the couch and started pacing in front of the couch.
"They said exactly 5:30! Its 20 minutes later, and not even a text message! Dont say exactly, WHEN YOU DONT MEAN EXACTLY!!" He exclaimed with his hands in the air. I flinched when he yelled. I know Logan gets mad when he is nervous, but it still paines me to see him like this. He almost never gets mad. He is always calm, collective, and patient. It was almost alien to see him like this. I hope he calms down soon.

Logans POV

I dropped back on the couch. Deep down I knew I wasn't mad. Things can happen, but when I get nervous my anger always wins out. Patton and Roman looked at me wearily and started watching the movie.
I stared at the door. If only I could will the door to open, and the new, mute kid walk in. I focused on the door. Studied it. Looked at each individual part. I looked hard at it. As I studied it, I didnt even notice that the world around me turned blue and white, almost like a blueprint. I was surprised but didnt peel my eyes off the door. The room around me, Patton, Roman, the couch, TV, everything faded away until it was just the door. Labels popped up on every part of the door. The door knob, the hinges, the frame, everything. Logan first studied the base of the door. Suddenly he was zooming through the past, through stores and factory's and farms, till he was staring at a small seed in the ground. A tree seed. Logan wanted to go back to the blueprint door, and then he was going back through all the things back to the door. Logan went ot every part of the door. Fascinated by what he was seeing.
Each part of the door took only a second, but to Logan, it took hours. This, is very usefull He thought.

Roman's POV

I didnt want to be into the story, but I was. I hummed along to the song they were singing. Patton was loosely watching too. I saw put of the corner of my eye that Logan was staring at the door. I saw patton look at Logan. I then got back into the movie. Why was Moana so dumb as to go to the island of monsters! Them, the screen went black. I look up and Patton was looking at me with the remote in his hand. His eyes were wide.
"H-His eyes w-were g-glowing!!" Patton said as he pointed a shaking finger behind him to Logan. I look over Pattons shoulder to Logan. Logan snapped his eyes off the door and shook his head. He looked around and gave a questioning look to Roman.
" He says your eyes were glowing." I saw with a shrug. Logan looked down as his feet and was lost in thought. Patton looked confused and opened his mouth to say something, before there was a knock at the door.
"I got it" Logan said as he quickly got up. He opened the door, and there, standing in the doorway, was a man in a tshirt and Jean's, with a guy behind him that was maybe in his late teenage years, with a purple jacket, black pants and a lot of eye shadow.
The new guy, was here.

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