Virgil the mute (3)

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Virgil walked in behind the man that was escorting him, Thomas. Thomas stood in the middle of the living room with me behind him as the guy who opened the door sat down on the couch. Virgil felt his anxiety flare up. Thomas cleared his throat. "This is Virgil, your new roommate. As I have briefed you on, he has anxiety, and is mute. But even so I hope you treat him well."

Virgil was gonna say something but closed his mouth. That was close he thought to himself. It had been almost a year, and Virgil still had to catch himself sometimes. "Greetings, Virgil. My official title is Logan." Logan said. Virgil took in the man. Around six foot, combed back black hair, black shirt, blue tie, glasses, and black jeans. The man looked commanding. Almost intimidating. And the way that the man talked was... weird. Virgil made a confused face.

"Sorry about that Virgil. Logan tends to talk all scientific when he meets someone new. Anyway, I'm Patton." Patton said in a cheery voice. Virgil looked at the man. He was sitting in between the two. He had slightly curly blond hair, a lot of freckles, and glasses. He was wearing a light blue shirt, with tan cacky pants, and a cartagine around his shoulders. He had a cheery face and a inviting look about him. Virgil made a tiny smile.
"And I'm Roman." Roman said with a charming smile. The man Virgil looked at had a white button up shirt, though the buttons were gold. He had a red sash around his shoulders and white pants. He had ruffled up brown hair, and a charming and confident look about him. He smiled a genuine smile to Virgil, and Virgil blushed. Virgil didn't know why he did. He turned his head, but not before sending his own smile back.

"Now that the pleasantry's are done, Virgil, why don't you go put your stuff away in your room." Thomas said. "What room is it?" He asked Patton. It was obvious that Thomas and the other three were friends. "Door right across from the stairs." Patton said. Thomas looked at me, making sure I heard that. I made a slight nod and made my way up the stairs.

The bottom floor was a open plan. With all the things like kitchen, living, and dining room. The top floor seemed to have the rooms and bathrooms. There were five doors down the hallway. The first on the left had a sign that said "Logan" in plain letters. The one on the right said "Roman" with fancy cursive writing. The the room next to Logan's had writing on it saying "Patton" with colored in block letters. The door across from Patton's was plain. Virgil peeked through the door and saw a plain small bathroom. Hope there's another one, because setting my makeup in here would be embarrassing Virgil thought.

He closed the door and walked to the end of the hallway. A door sat barren, with nothing on it, directly across from the stairs. Virgil creaked the door open. Thomas had asked Virgil to write down three things about myself so the new guys could get to know him before he got there. 

Virgil had put down on his number one that he liked the color purple, and that's exactly what they did. Virgil opened the door so enough light streamed in so he didn't have to turn on the light. The walls were a dark shade of violet, and the sheets on the bed were bright purple. Black curtains covered the one window in the room, and black carpet covered the floor. The bed was in the far corner, and a oak wooden desk sat in the opposite corner, right beside the window. 

There was a corner book shelf in the corner with a couple of classics on one of the shelves. Reading was another thing Virgil had wrote down. In the corner opposite the bookshelf , in the other side if the room was a painting easel and paints and paintbrushes, for painting was another thing Virgil had written down. In between the painting easel and bed was a small three drawer dresser. In the very back of the room was a small and narrow door. Virgil went through it, and found himself in a tiny bathroom, with barely enough room for the toilet, and sink and a body to fit inside the room. A small mirror hung above the sink. Thought it wasn't much, Virgil was grateful, for now he didn't have to put on make up in front of everyone else. He'd just have to take showers in the other bathroom.

Virgil went over to the bed and threw his small knapsack on the bed. He pulled out three purple shirts and two black ones, along with three pairs of black pants and a couple pairs of socks. He put his clothes in the drawer. He then took out his make up and set them up in the bathroom. Next he took out his painting supplies and set them by the easel. He pulled out his notebook and placed it on the desk. Finally he pulled out three chapter books and set them out on the bookshelf.

Virgil put his phone and headphones on the side table to his bed and headed out the room. On his way out he stopped by the bathroom, for he hadn't gone since they got in the car, about five hours ago. When Virgil was dine he washed up, making sure not to smear his mascara, he cleaned his face. Once he was dine in the bathroom he made his way down the stairs. When he was half if the way down them he heard the others talking and he stopped. "-and the he was declared dead on the scene." Thomas finished. "His own uncle?!" Patton exclaimed. Thomas nodded. The three were shocked. Virgil couldn't move. He knew they were talking about his "incident". "Do they know how it happened?" Logan asked. Thomas shook his head. "No, but we think it's the reason he went mute." Thomas said. Roman looked up from his hands and saw Virgil. "Oh, he's back" Roman said. Virgil was struck out of his trance and ran back up the stairs. He ran down the hallway and flew into his room. He locked the door and crashed into his bed. Virgil remembered the horrible things he had done. The memories all came back. Virgil had pushed them out, but now they came back. Virgil laid on his bed and cried.


Hey! So, I'm now on spring break, so the chapters will be a little bit longer. Hope you guys stay safe and healthy!

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