Its Time

271 10 6

Unknown POV

I walk down the street, hood low over my face. Eventually the people start to thin out, as I get to the abandoned part of the city. The only people who live here are thugs or criminals.
Looking to make sure no one sees me, I duck into an ally.
I jog halfway into it, staying in the shadows. I look around, pressing my back to the brick wall behind me.
I look up to the full moon above, and close my eyes, imagining the room I'm heading to. I imagine every detail, every smell, every texture, every sound. I feel a tugging and the sensation of falling.

When I open my eyes I'm in a dark room. It looks to be underground. It's so dark you cant see the corners of the room. I turn around to see the only light in the room. It's a small light hanging low from the ceiling. It illuminates a metal table, with papers, journals, and maps on it. There are two metal stools surrounding the table.

"Kind of you to join us" A smooth and low voice says. A man comes out of the shadows. He has a powerful and dangerous feel about him.
He has a black trench coat covering a yellow shirt. His black fedora covering his face.

"Sorry, the coppers where a pain in my butt on the way in" I say crossing my arms.
He chuckles and looks up.

"Good to see you." He says with a smile.

"Good to see you too Earnest." I say back. He comes up and hugs me. He steps back around the opposite side of the table. I put my hands in the pockets of my black jacket, of which covers my orange t-shirt. I flip my white hair out of my face. My hair has a single strand of orange in it, my favorite color, and the color of my power.

"So, why have you called me here?" I asked him, coming over to the table and sitting on one of the stools, putting one leg up to rest my hand on it.

"It was supposed to just be a meeting with me and Remus, but I decided that you have to play a part in the plan as well." He replies.

"Where is that piece of garbage anyway?" I ask.

"If your talking about Remus, he was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, but, you know him."

"Yes, unfortunately I do."  I say.

"Aw, is that anyway to talk about an old friend?" A satanic and crazy voice says.

"Who said anything about a friend?" I ask with a smirk.

The voice laughs as the room becomes at least 15 degrees colder and small seed of fear is planted in my chest, but it doesnt grow to anything bigger since I've gotten used to him.
Remus comes out of the shadows, his brown hair and mustache dirty as per usual. His one strand of white in his hair hangs in front if his face. He wears a dirty dark t-shirt and a black jacket with green accents.

"So, Erni, why have you summoned us here?" He says with a sweet tone as he jumps up to sit on the table.

"First of all, never call me that again, and second, you know why you are here." He states.

"Ah, the plan." Remus says.

"Uh, what's 'the plan' exactly? " I say.

"Right, might as well go over it again." Earnest says.

"Alright, as you guys know, my insufferable nephew has been...uncooperative, and has seemed to have made some new friends. And, to spare you the whole evil villain speech, he needs to be eradicated. But, with Remus's intel, his friends have discovered their little powers, but not yet about Virgil's. Which is good for us, since they dont yet know his importance.

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