Darkness (9)

452 18 28

Roman's POV

I just remember my eyes closing in the forest. I then remember feeling warmth on my skin, almost like sun, then the freezing temperatures set back in, and warmth again. After that cycle I could feel human hands moving and shifting my body. Carring me and placing me on a bed. Then bumps and turns. Then movement again. Then bumps and turns, then movement, and then bed again. I could feel multiple things touching and poking at my skin. All the while I couldnt move, or speak, or really do anything. I was just sitting in the darkness.

No sign of light ever invading and filling my eyes again. No hope of me ever running and feeling the wind in my hair. No indication of me ever having the opportunity to see my loving family, Logan, Patton....and Virgil even. Now more than ever I longed to see them. Even though I never really new Virgil, i still wanted to see that small, smug smile, his edgy black eye shadow and jacket. Was this what it looked like to die?

I went through all the memories of my past. Should I have tried to make mine and my moms relationship better? Should I have talked to my brother after what happened? Maybe I should have been more appreciative of Patton. Shown more gratefulness to Logan. Maybe I should have tried to have a better relationship with Virgil. So many regrets. So many questions unanswered. Looking back through my memories I now know, if I ever get out of this bed, I will make sure people know that I care about them, and that I love them.

I hear machines beeping and buzzing all around me. I can feel substances on my legs and the bottom if my face. I can hear the slight creak of a door opening. I then hear a person's footsteps coming closer, followed by what I can assume was at least two more people's footsteps. They walk over beside my bed, and the footsteps cease. I hear the creaking of the cheap seats as they bare the weight of two people sitting down. Then I hear footsteps walking to the door, and the door closes.

There is silence for a long time, filled only with the sound of sniffles. I felt a warm, seemingly bandaged hand hold mine.

Finally, a voice broke through the silence.
"Roman...I'm so sorry...this is my fault. I didn't take into consideration what Earnest could do...I'm almost kinda glad we didnt tell Virgil really who it was. I have a suspicion that Virgil has a history with him. A bad one at that." Logans voice. His voice sounds strained. Like he is on the verge of tears, but trieing to keep it together. And not tears of sadness, of frustration.
"No Logan, this isnt your fault. Its whoever's done this fault. We dont know for sure that it was that Earnest guy. Roman, whoever did this, rest assured, they will be brought to justice. Either by the police or me" It was Pattons voice. Wait, does that mean Virgil is here? I strain my hearing to try and hear him shifting in a chair, or tapping his foot on th e floor or his finger on his arm. All of which I have observed are Virgils reactions to new places. But, to no avail

Pattons sniffling increases.
"I'll make sure to make your favorite dinner when you get back. And cookies. And we can watch all the disney movies you want. We can play games and roleplay and sing. Anything you want." He says. His voice is strained and it breaks many times. I soon hear tears falling onto the tile floor. I notice with not being able to see, my other senses have heightened.
"Heck, who am I kidding? You probably wont even make it out of this bed, let alone home!" He crys. His hand retracts from mine and only sobbing can be heard.
"You don't know he will die Patton. Hes just in a coma." Logans voice says.
"He lost too much blood Logan! He won't survive! And to think the last thing he saw was probably his killer!" Pattons voice breaks through the sobs.

After a few minutes of weeping, Pattons tears slowly subsided and again, all that can be heard is soft sniffling and the beeping of machines. Pattons hand returns to mine.
"We just have to have hope" Logan says softly. I try with all my power to squeeze Pattons hand, and what ends up is a slight movement, but its enough.
"Yeah, hope...wait, hope. Natia. Natia means hope. We just have to have Natia!" Pattons exclaims.
"Wait, what? What do you mean Natia? Why would we need her?" Logan sounds confused as Pattons hand leaves mine and the door opens. There talking grows faded as they walk down the hall.

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