Awake (10)

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Hey! Sorry for no update recently...I've had some writers block and been busy writing a story irl. But, with help of my sister, ( who is also a fan of Sanders Sides) I have come up with ideas for the story. So I hope you enjoy, and as always, comment thoughts!

Roman POV

I lay in my bed. Not like theres much else to do. It gets lonely sometimes. When all the noise ends and no one comes by. When the sounds of the hospital die down at night and the only sound to fill the void of silence is the beeping if machines that of which keep me alive.
But those machines beeping is getting old. Fast. It was what I could guess was early morning seen as the hustle and bustle was getting started after the long silence and quiet.
I had been out for a long time. I cant guess how long, but a while. At least a week. Maybe longer. No, probably way longer. I wonder if the guys are coming. I know Pat is but what about Logan? Virgil? Is Natia coming too?
Lately I've been replaying my memories of that night. Trieing to place the face of my capture and torturer. I recognize him. Its right there. Like when someone knocks on your door and you recognize the voice but just cant place it, so you hesitate to open it. Wait, door. That's where I know him! That stupid Earnest guys that came over.
Looks like that guys is more dangerous than we thought. I thought he would leave and that would be it. But no. Apparently not.

After what feels like an eternity I hear the light, bouncy footsteps I have come to love trotting down the hallway into my room. Followed by long, hard and paced steps, then a shuffle like walk. The whole gangs here today! I listen for the sounds of paws against the floor, but am disappointed when I dont hear any.
After a couple minutes of Patton talking to me, he and Logan walk out of the room to talk to a doctor about my health.
Virgil quickly slips his hand into mine and I give it a squeeze. It's become easier to do that now. Almost as easy as it would be normally. Almost.
I can't see Virgil, or hear him right now, but I can feel it. Radiating off him like a stench. Hes afraid. Afraid of what, I dont know. Maybe hes afraid that I wont wake up. Or hes afraid of who did this to me. Maybe hes afraid of the whole bustling hospital. Who knows. I just know hes scared. I dont want him to be scared.
He shifts in his seat and I hear him zip up his jacket. He runs his hands together and I can hear a faint shiver coming from him. His hand is so cold. I can imagine mine doesnt feel much better, but why him? I'm the one who almost died. I'm the one who hasn't gotten up and ran or walked in so long. So why is he so cold he could be dead? Suddenly, I feel it. The cold setting in. I can feel it set in my bones and freeze them over. I can feel the cold almost like a monster, seeping through my cracks and seems into my very being. I cant shiver, but if I could I would.
Then, I get this feeling of fear. Unspeakable fear. And another feeling. What is that? Dread.
What if I never wake up? What of the machines just stop beeping. Would I feel death, or would I be completely oblivious to it. What of someone came up to the machine and simply pulled a plug. Boom, dead. Never even had a chance. What if this coma is just my body prolonging the inevitable. I'll die in this horrible, lonely black pit of absolute pain and suffering.
Virgils hand tightening around mine brings me out of my thoughts. I hear him whimper. His whimpers could almost be mistaken as very, very faint speech. But I cant understand it. But I do understand his whimpers are of fear. Was it the same fear that I felt? Or was something else causing it?
Suddenly, the door opens and all the fear and dread that I felt previously was gone in a blink of the eye. The coldness is still there, just not as intense as before.
Pattons voice rings out over the eerie silence that had enveloped the room. Even the machines had quieted down.
"Oo it's cold in here. You okay kiddo? It will just be a little longer. The doctor thinks new things should be tried on Roman. Sound good?" He says. Virgil must have nodded because the door closes. I hadnt noticed that Virgil had taken his hand out if mine. He slips it back in. Still so cold.
I dont want him to be fearful. I dont want him to be cold. I want him to be happy, warm. Feel good. Laugh.

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