Breath (11)

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Logans POV

Me and Patton come back into the room and stop midway in. We see on the bed, a sweating, and tired looking Roman looking up at V9rgil, breathing heavily. Virgils eyes are the biggest I have ever seen.
I look down and see Virgils hand inside Roman's but I dont mention it.

"Jeez you all look like a deer in headlights. Are you just gonna stand there or come  welcome me to the land of the living?" Roman says in a strained and gravelly voice.

Patton let's out a laugh and his eyes fill with tears. He runs up to Roman and tackled him with a hug. I crack a smile. I feels weird to smile, but this one of the rare cases it is appropriate. I close the door and put my hands behind my back. Patton is almost giddy as he releases Roman and claps his hands together. Virgil is staring, wide-eyed at Roman. Roamn goes to speak but it seem the words get stuck in his throat.

"Oh! Right! Water. I'll go get the doctor and some water for you." Patton says, rushing out of the room.

It seems that Virgil at that moment comes out of his trance and his face goes red with realization of what he was doing. He quickly let's go of Roman's hand and looks at his shoes.

Roman chuckles and I shake my head, a small smile playing once again on my lips.

Patton comes through the door with a cup and the doctor trailing behind him. Patton is grinning a genuine, real, joyous smile. He hasn't had one in so long. Ever since Roman went into his coma, I haven't seen his beutiful, contagious smile. It feels good to seem him so happy again. I cant wait for Roman to come home so we can all be happy again.

Pattons POV

I am so happy. Roman is awake! Hes awake and living and talking and breathing! Hes finally awke! After a few days of monitoring him, hes finally able to go home. We ride in the car, everyone in their spots.
We get home and we all are so very happy. Me basically jumping up and down with exitment, Roman grinning ear to ear, Logan smiling a little, which is a lot for him, and Virgil having a tiny smile tugging at his lips.

I unlock the door and get ready to explain Natia to Roman but instead, something unexpected happens. He runs forward and hugs Natia.
"Natia! Oh my gosh your so beutiful! And sweet! Thank you thank you thank you Natia!" He says, still hugging her, her head rapped around his neck.
"Wha..what? How do you know about her?" I ask.
"Oh, you guys dont know do you?" He says, getting up from the floor and looking around the house.
"We dont know what?" Logan asks, closing the door. Roman looks in wonder at the home as he walks around. Running his hand along every piece of furniture, every countertop, every chair. Everything.
"I heard everything. When I was in the coma I could hear and feel. I felt the bed underneath me. I felt Natia when she visited. I heard you guys talking and walking. I smelt the medicines and cheap cleaning stuff that filled the air. I heard every sound. Smelt every smell. Felt everything. It was quiet a weird experience" said Roman, still looking around the place.

Logan looks fascinated and takes put a pen and pencil. He scribbles down some notes. I smile at Roman's child like wonder and amazement. He runs up the stairs, most likely up to his room. I smile even bigger and plop down on the couch, Natia jumping up next to me. Logan sits on the opposite end of the L shaped couch. I look around for Virge and find him still at the door, pale, eyes wide. He looks like hes seen a ghost.
"You alright kiddo?"

Virgil's POV

Roman could hear everything? So...did he hear me talk to him? Frick. He heard me talk. Oh no. This is bad.
Does he not like me becuase of my voice? Does he hate me now?
Oh no oh no. Is it all gonna happen again? Will history repeat itself? I dont wanna lose any of them.
I screwed up so bad. So very bad. Oh no oh no.
I feel my breath quickening.
What if Roman tells them? They will find out what I said. What if they find out what I did? What if they found out what i am? They will hate me. They will abandon me. I will be on my own again.
"...ddo? Virgil? Vrigil!" I hear voices but cant place them. I try to focus on the voices but it doesnt work. I feel my legs give out but I dint feel the fall. Next thing I know I'm on the ground. I cant focus on anything.
They will think I'm a monster. Maybe I am. I'm a monster. I am a disgusting, monster that only deserves death.
I see a face in front if mine but I cant place it.
"Virgil? Listen to me. I need you to focus on my face. Okay? Breath in for 4 seconds." Logan. Its Logans voice. I try to do what he says but it's hard.
"Hold it for 7 seconds" I try.
"Out for seconds" i attempt to do it.
"Again. In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8" it gets easier.
We do that over and over again until I could focus again. I sit up slowly. I had been propped up against a wall and Logan had been on my right side, looking at me, guiding me through the breathing exercise. Patton had been on my left side looking worried.
"You okay kiddo?" Patton asks. I nod my head instead of giving them the noise I usually do. I see a small bit of hurt shine in his eyes, but he quickly pushes it away and smiles. I look at Logan and nod my thanks. I slowly get up and walk up the stairs to my room. I notice Natia trailing behind me. I walk by Roman's room and open the door a crack. I see him with headphones on dancing around and singing disney songs. I smile a bit and close the door back. I trudge to my room. I open my door and let Natia through before closing the door. I dont feel like going back down so I instead text Patton.

Im going to bed

Okay Kiddo. Text me if ya
need something :)

Alright. Cya in the morning

Good night kiddo. Sweet dreams!

Good Night

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