Secrets (12)

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Roman's POV

It had been a few weeks since I got home, and I've been using my power secretly. I dont want to tell the others yet. I will eventually, but not right now.

I'm still figuring it out myself, how am I supposed to explain it to three other people?

I have figured put how to control and focus my heat onto a single point in my body. For example when I set fire to myself, I can move the fire to just the tip of my finger, or the top of my head. I also can keep the fire from burning my clothes and my skin, if I concentrate.

I found out a completely new thing about my powers too. I can not only raise the temperature around me, I can also make people feel certain feelings. I can make them feel happy and cozy. I can make them feel safe and warm. I have used this a few times, when Logan is stressed with work or when  Virgil has one of his minor panic attacks. And the best part is, when I make someone feel good, it makes me feel good. So it's a win win.

At night, or when I'm home alone, I practice my fire, and temperature rising power. I practice it and am making good progress. In the day when I'm spending time with the others, I experiment and practice the feeling end of my powers. Making them feel good or warm. If they look stressed I try to make them feel good, and watch as the tention melts away from their body and face. I notice ever since I started doing this I can spot discomfort and bad feelings on ones face and body language much easier than before. Its quite exciting to see what I can do.


I get up from bed and stretch. I had been laying down and thinking for a while. I'm thinking it's about dinner time, so I make my way downstairs, buttoning the top button to my shirt that I had undone. I pat Natia on the way to the kitchen and see Patton cooking dinner. He looks rushed. I walk over to him and take the knife from him that he was using to cut vegetables with. I shoo him away from the cutting board and start cutting them for him. He looks at me gratefully and goes over to the oven.

I look over the bar and see Logan reading, like he usually is, on the couch. I search for Virgil and spot him through the back sliding doors, laying in the grass of our big backyard. I smile to myself at how peaceful he looks. Taking joy from the thought of the warmth he must be feeling.

I get done with the vegetables and Patton assures me that he can do the rest. I walk over to Logan and sit next to him on the couch. I notice him spacing out, which is not like him. I am about to lean forward to get a good look at him, but before I can he suddenly sits straight up and continues reading his book, a tiny bit of panic written on his face that he hides so well a normal person couldnt spot it, but I'm not normal.

" You okay Logan?" I ask.
"I'm fine. Completely and utterly fine." He mumbles.
"Anything wrong? Anything you want to talk about or anything...weird happening?" I ask the last question hopefully. If he says yes, then maybe he has powers like me. Maybe he has a diffrent one or the same one.
He hesitates, then shakes his head, and goes back to reading.

Its unusual for him not to speak, and just do gestures, but I let it slide. I just hope hes okay.

Logans POV

I have observed through tests and practices, that I can do more with my Xray than I thought I could. For example, through much practice, I can see every organ, muscle, and bone in a person's body. I can also see if something is physically paining someone,  and where it is, with a type of scale, red being horrible, unbearable pain, and blue being none at all. I also can predict ones movements by being in the Xray mode. I choose which thing I see, almost like a toggle in a video game. I see the organs and muscles and bones, then wish to see the pain scale, and suddenly, there it is.

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