Training (16)

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Romans POV 

Virgil had spoke. He had actually talked. I never had imagined his voice to be so deep, and to be so...angry. Even though he was yelling, he voice was laced with what could only be described as pain, and loneliness. I hate the thought that someone would hurt him  enough to keep him from talking. 

It had been three days since Virgil's out burst. He hadn't come out of his room since. He didn't eat or drink. I'm worried for him. Patton has tried more than once to talk to him, even once falling asleep outside his door. I know it hurts Patton to see him like this, and frankly it hurts me as well. I can feel his sorrow and self loathing even form outside his door, so whenever I can I send him happiness and warmth. 

Me, Patton, and Logan were sitting in the couch, not talking, just sitting.                                                   "That's it, we need to do something!" Logan suddenly said. 

"About what?" Patton asked.

"We literally got a death threat three days ago, and we have done nothing about it! And better yet, we found out we all have some sort of supernatural power, and by what Virgil says, Earnest and Romans twin, Remus,  have powers too. Why aren't we doing anything?!" Logan responded, obviously frustrated. I had told them about Remus. They had been shocked, but it was obvious Earnest and him are working together. 

"Okay...then how about we learn to use our powers to defend ourselves?" I suggested.  

Logan thought about it for a moment before coming to a conclusion. "That could work. That way if those two attack, we have a way to defend ourselves. Alright, I'll be preforming studies on each of you to figure out your strengths and weaknesses and how we can all work together. of course, I''ll find a way to use my power to defend myself and you guys. I'm thinking I can use my X-ray to predict what a person is going to do, which can assist you guys, and if it comes to it, can be useful in fighting." Logan said. Me and Patton nodded our heads.

"Only problem is that Earnest and Remus are masters at their powers, when we only just learned of ours. We may need another fighter to help us be able to defeat them." Logan said, sighing nd sitting back against the couch. 

We then heard a cough from behind us. We all turned our heads to see who it was. Virgil was standing their, shifting form foot to foot and looking very uncomfortable. 

"I-I heard that you guys need another fighter. I mean I'm pretty good at hand-to-hand and am pretty good with a knife. I-I mean if you guys want me! It's okay if you don't. I totally get it...." He said, trailing off at the end.

"We would love you Virgil!" Patton exclaimed, jumping over the back of the couch to hug him. I just sent him love and support as my answer, and felt joy in the way his smile grew. Logan nodded to him and smiled, which was pretty good for Logan. 

"Then lets get to it then!" Logan said, standing up. 


I was going first. Logan had cups set up in a triangle shape on a table 15 feet away from me in the backyard. He had a fire extinguisher next to him and the hose was next to Patton and was on. Logan also had a notepad in hand and was ready to take notes. Virgil was observing me from the side. 

"Alright, try to shoot the cups down with your fire." Logan said.

"I can do that?" I asked.

"We're about to find out." Logan replied. 

I nodded then heated my hand up, until it burst into flames. I concentrated on the cups in front of me. How could I shoot my fire? I come up with an idea and decide to try it. I close my eyes in concentration as I heat my other hand and place it on top of the one in flames. Then, keeping my hands at the same temperature I start moving my hands in a ball formation. I try to bend the fire to my will. This fire was mine, my creation, and it will listen to me. I can feel the fire trying to resist me, wanting to do its own things, but I am relentless and continue forming it, even harder this time. Finally, the fire is a swirling ball of flame. I pull my hands back and thrust them forward, opening my palms to make way for the flames. I feel a column of flame rush forward. My eyes are still closed as I stop heating my hands and the fire die down to nothing. I open my eyes and almost burst out laughing at the scene in front of me.

Logan was standing a bit too close, and his hair was sticking straight back and his glasses were crooked on his nose. Half of the notepad was charred and had little flames on it.  Patton, on my other side, was a little farther back, and didn't look that bad but was still a funny sight with the way his face was. I look behind him to Virgil, who had been leaning on the fence. His face was a mixture of amusement, shock, and amazement. 

I look towards the cups. I had missed them by like five feet. If that was a person they would have been perfectly fine. The bushes at the far end of the backyard though, were a completely a different story. Some were burnt away and others were just on fire. I cant hold it any longer and start laughing like a maniac. Virgil starts laughing as well. I calm myself down and listen to Virgil's laughing. It brings me joy to see him this happy. He notices me staring and quickly composes himself. Patton and Logan snap out of their trance and Patton goes to put out the bushes. Logan straighten his glasses and simply said. 

"We are going to have to work on that." Making me go into another laughing fit. Patton and Virgil go back inside to work on Patton's power, and Logan and me stay outside. 

At the end of Logan and I's session, I had become better at taming the fire and bending it to my will. I could now not only hit the target, but fire a full column of fire, as well as small fire balls. It still took me a long time doing so though, so we are going to work on that tomorrow, Logan had also worked on his power. He was now much better at predicting what a person would do, and started training in hand-to-hand combat. Patton had become better at healing people, and faster. He had also done a little in the pain side of his powers, but he didn't enjoy doing it. Virgil had mainly helped out Logan and Patton. 

In only one day we were already stronger. If we did this every day until Earnest and Remus attacked, we might just stand a chance against them. 

Either way, I was proud of myself, and the others. I as content, even if we didn't win. 

This was a pretty short one but i wanted to give you guys something. Stay safe and healthy! <3 

Peace out!

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