I Got Tagged!

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I was tagged by CapnJackHarkness again...

Anywayyy... let's do this thing!

These are the questions, and let's get started!

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These are the questions, and let's get started!

1. I'm straight as a...a...arrow! That's the saying!

2. I be a female

3. Um...I think it was In Case You Dont Live Forever by Ben Platt

4. Hmmm...you know what? Yes. I am happy as happy can be

5. .......yes?....no?.... wait what was the question again?

6. Blond, but slowly getting darker... fun fact! When I was a baby my hair was pitch black, like my dads, and it turned bright blonde when I was a toddler! Crazy right?

7. Scorpioooo!

8. Happy to say I have not kissed a single sole. I am a single pringle.

9. Its between red, blue, and green. I like all three I just dont know which is my favorite.

10. Hmmm...hard to say...I'm gonna go with french toast again.

11. 58% (this is right before I hit publish and it's at 56% how? Idk, ask my phone)

12. I dont really have one...but if I had to choose... it would probably be David Tennant...or Matt Smith......nah its David Tennant.

13. Again, its corn. Well, only corn on the cob is an actual vegetable, but my answer is the same.

14. I got some new shoes and they are 9's which is my comfort. But my feet grow fast🤷‍♀️

Now I gotta tag 20 people...I dont think I have 20...but I'll get as close as i can.

I tag
CapnJackHarkness (you tagged me again so I gotta do the same)

I only gots 14...oh well...better luck next time am I right?

Anywho, I don't really have an update on the actual story, but I can say that my other story that I'm currently in the planning process, is coming along nicely. I got basically all of it planned out, I got the characters, their descriptions, character development, all of it is going smoothly, and though it might not be for a couple more months, I am still so exited for this new one to come out. I am really proud of it and cant wait to see what you guys think.

Also say thanks to my sister, she has helped me with a lot of it, and has taken it upon herself to draw one of the characters. (I cant tell you who, or what, it is cause that will ruin the surprise. But I can say that it is really, really good. Shoot just forgot that she reads these. We are siblings I cant be seen giving her complements. Fffff-)

Alright. Hope you all have a good day. Or night. Depending. Or evening. Or morning. Anyway. See you guys in the next update. So goodbye my fellow fanders.

Peace out!

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