Secrets (14)

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 Logan's POV

 I am so confused with what happened that night in Romans room. I heard a small scream coming from Romans room and when I got there, the door was freezing, and the door was radiating what felt like below zero temperatures.  Frost had started to form on and around the door. I could feel a sense of horrible, unmistakable fear and dread settle in my chest. I hide the panic in my voice as I call his name. Nothing. I try to get in but the door is frozen shut. Slamming my shoulder against the door and calling his name once more, I get into his room. "Hey Roman? You awake?" I say. I expected to find frost and ice in his room or maybe something horrible happening to Roman once again. Instead when I looked around, everything was as it should be. The room was warm and candles bathed it in soft light. The only thing that was off was Roman standing, facing the corner and looking as if he had seen a ghost. 

I look him up and down, searching for injuries, what I found instead was the most peculiar thing I had ever seen in my life. There, flickering in Romans upturned palm, was a flame. It was bigger than one that would be on a candle and was not going out, nor growing in size. It just stayed there, flickering and dancing. I stare wide eyed at it, and as soon as Roman saw me looking at it, he closed his fist around it and shoved it behind his back. 

I look back up at his face. He looked scared, on edge. He smiles at me saying "Can I help you?" 

"O-oh...right. Ya. I heard a loud noise in here. Sounded like a scream or something. Just came in here to check if you where ok." I say, clearing my throat and telling myself I was seeing things. 

"Right! That's really nice of you. But as you can see, I'm fine! Completely fine! Nothing weird or out of the ordinary going on in here. So you can just, go back to your room now." He says quickly. He pushes me out the door and flashes me one of his signature smiles, and closes the door. I stay there a bit longer and hear him sigh. He sounded tired, so I let him be, even though I had so many questions. They would just have to wait.


In the morning Roman comes down the steps looking absolutely terrible. He sits down and I tense up, remembering the events from last night. He goes out of his way to not look at me as we eat breakfast that Patton had made. After we eat, Patton goes to his room and Virgil sits at the table reading my book. I sit down the couch next to Roman. I quickly x-ray him and am able to see his racing heart, sweaty palms and the way he continuously shifts his weight. I lean in to make sure Virgil doesn't hear as I say "I saw what you can do last night. Can you show me?"

 Hoping to get him talk. Is it possible he is like me? Has inexpiable powers that he doesn't know how he got, or what the extent of them are? He goes wide eyed and says frantically "What! No! What are you talking about? Your crazy. I think you had a little too much coffee. Am I right?

"Right! I'm just gonna...go to my! Yes, i'm going to my room to read. Haha...catch you guys later!" He says, panic evident in his voice. He gets up and rushes upstairs. "He hates reading. Why would he read?" I ask Virgil. 

Without looking up he holds up a piece of paper that reads "Don't ask me" 

I sigh and sit back on the couch. Going through the events of last night. After a few minutes I get up and walk upstairs. Going to Romans door, I scan it. Even x-raying it, and say no evidence of what I saw last night. Finally I go through with a small knock to see Roman pacing, pulling on his hair with his hands. 

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