My Decision

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So, like the title, this is my decision from the question I covered in the last update.

I am continuing the book.

Buts its gonna be cut short. I'm gonna make a little filler update, it's only gonna be, I dont know, 300 words? Something like that, and it's just gonna explain in summary what happened between the last update and the finale.
Sorry if I disapointed anyone that wanted to the story to continue, but my story just isnt going where I want it to go and I'm not putting the effort in anymore, and its showing in my writing.
So I'm gonna do the filler episode maybe tomorrow, then in a couple days finish the book off. I'm planning this book to be finished by next Monday.

Thank you for anyone who clicked on this book and even enjoyed it a little bit, even if it's all over the place.
I know there are a lot of a/n's, there are many tags in here, sooo many spelling mistakes and its just an all around mess. I didnt plan anything out, I got an idea, and I went for it.

So, ya, this book is absolutely horrible, but if you made it this far into the book, I cant thank you enough.
Thank you thank you thank you for even giving my story a chance. You didnt even have to like it!

And for the topic of spelling mistakes, I am probably gonna go back and edit them before i completely declare this book finished.

Also, i wanna thank my eldest sister, starleiaorgana2667 for giving me the idea on my message board.
She gave me the idea to go ahead and write the finale, then just update it and when I feel ready to end it, put the finale in. I just decided there was only going to be one update, instead of muiltiple.

One of the biggest factors for me to be persuaded to do this, is the outing of my newest book. (Sneek peek on my message board) I'm really exited for that book and I'm gonna to put everything I have into it, to make it the best it can be. But, I cant really put everything into that if I'm running on the fumes of the once fire of passion to write this book.
The new book Is coming out on the 25th, (my birthday so I can remember its birthday :3) so when this book ends, Idk, maybe you'd be kind enough to check out that one.

Anyway, self promoting aside, this was just an update on the future of this book. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted, even if I was absolute garbage, especially towards the end and at the beginning.

So I'll see you guys, hopefully, in the second to last update on this book.

Peace out my friends

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