Gone (4)

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Virgils POV

I cried for who knows how long. When the incedint first happened I had locked all my emotions away. I never cried, never yelled, never felt anything. This is the first time I had shown emotions since it first happened. All the anger and the pain came out at once. I couldnt stop it. After at least an hour of crieing, it finally died down.

I took my head off the pillow and found that it was stained black. All my mascara had been washed off on it. I went into my little bathroom and washed my face. I then applied new mascara, and hoped it didnt look too obvious that I had just cried. I slowly opened my door. When I did I noticed that there were words on my door. I looked at the words, expecting them to be rude or insulting, but what I instead found was my name in shaky bold letters. I also noticed a heart at the end of it. My heart swelled. They would do this. For me? They would go out of their way to make my room to my liking, fill it with things I love, make me feel welcomed. All of it, for me? I had grown up my whole life only being neglected. Being the one cast away. The one people laughed at, they picked at. The one that my parents didnt want. But here...these people... they care about me.

No, stop it. These people could never like me. No one does. They are just doing it becuase they need to, not becuase they want to.

I walk down the hallway and make my way to the stairs. I see Patton in the kitchen, baking something, Roman watching a movie on the TV, and Logan reading something at the dining table. When Patton sees me he smiles.
"How ya feelin kiddo?" He asks. Why does he call me kiddo? I smile and nod. I hope he takes that as a "good" It seems he does, and he goes back to working. I walk over to the couch and sit on the opposite side of it, as to not be close to Roman. It feels awkward, and its obvious he feels akward too.
"So uh...how old are you?" He asks.
I make a face. He looks at me weird before going red.
"Oh! Sorry, forgot." He hands me a notepad. I write "18, in a week 19"
I give it to Roman and his eyes light up.
"My birthdays in a week too! Only I'm turning 20."
I smile. Roman smiles back. I point to the note and then to Patton.
"Pattons 24" Roman says. "Logan is 29" He says with a nod towards Logan. I smile. Me and Roman go back to watching the movie. Roman's a cool guy. Hope I get to know him better.

No! Stop doing this to yourself. Hes just being nice to you becuase he feels he has to.

After a little while I stand up and go back to my room. I take out a book from my bookshelf and sit on my bed. I open it and read what's on the first page.
"Hey bud. I hope this makes up for yesterday. It's all the ideas I have had, but never finished. Hope you enjoy. And just know your uncles door is always open in case your dad or mom get drunk, or you need an escape. Love ya.
Tears well up in my eyes. I remember his emotionless face, but kind eyes. I remember his sunglasses that he rarely took off. His leather jacket and coffee he never seemed to get enough of. I loved that man with all my heart. He was my safety net, the dad I had always wanted. Until the incident. Hes gone now. Just like everyone had been in the past. My mom leaving, my dad being gone for days at a time, just to get back supper drunk and hit me. I finger the scar running from the base if my neck, down my shoulder, turning all the way to the end of my spine. That was the day my dad decided he didnt want me anymore. If it wasn't for Remy stepping in and taking me away, Inwouldnt be here. I was only 11 when it happened. But now Remys gone too. I flip through the pages of ideas for books and inventions and paintings. My uncle was everything.

He was a painter, and author, and inventor, he was even a lumberjack and blacksmith at one point. I got to the last page. This was the one that I had been working on for ages. I was about to start working on it again before I heard Pattons voice from the kitchen.
"Kiddo! Dinners ready!" I hadn't known that Patton was making dinner. I put the book away and head downstairs. Logan and Roman were already at the table. I looked at the plates. Rice. Remys favorite food. I was mesmerized. I hadn't had Rice since the incident. I didnt even look where I was going. I tripped on the top stairs and fell. I tumbled down the stairs. Stairs after stair hit my head. I hadn't noticed how many stairs their are before I had my head banging against each one. I finally slammed onto the floor. Pain was banging in my head. My leg ached. I cried out in pain. Patton sprinted over to me as Logan took out his phone to call the ambulance. Roman rushed off to get what I can only hope was a first aid kit. I moved my hand to the top of my head and looked at my fingers. I was bleeding. I looked at the pool of blood around my head. Bad. I looked down at my foot. It wasn't bleeding but was placed at an impossible angle. I groaned and put my head back.

Patton had tears in his eyes as he propped my head up in his lap. Roman come back with a first aid kit and Logan was waiting for the ambulance. Roman started to rap my foot up in gauze, which, in the condition my foot was in I didnt really think it helped. Patton put his hands on top of my head. I winced. I then felt heat around my head. The pain subsided. I was immediately calm and peaceful. I felt amazing. Energized almost. What was happening? I looked at Roman. His eyes were wide. I saw a faint light blue shimmer coming from my head. I look at Patton. His eyes are closed and a single tear rolls down his cheek. But what is the most disturbing thing, is that Pattons hands, are glowing.


:> Hi!

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