I got Tagged!!

340 7 14

I was tagged by CapnJackHarkness and these were the questions:

It is a honor to be tagged *sniff sniff* Anyway on to the answers!

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It is a honor to be tagged *sniff sniff* Anyway on to the answers!

1. I am Straight as a weed, which is not very straight but... you get the idea.

2. I am Female

3. I cant really remember...but it think it was
Left Brian vs Right Brain by Bo Burnham

4. I think so. I'm apart from my doggos right now but there is a doggo at the place I'm staying so yes. I'm happy

5. Ummmm...uhhhh...argle-bargle

6. Its blond but slowly getting darker

7. Scorpio!

8. I haven't kissed anyone

9. It's a tie between purple, green and red

10. I dont really have one but... French Toast

11. 30%
(This is when I'm about to hit publish and it's now at 26%. I'm a fast boi at writing)

12. I dont have one...but Matt Smith and David Tennant are pretty cool 🤷‍♀️

13. My sister just looked it up and corn on the cob is a vegetable so my answer corn. Also, we found out, corn is a vegetable, whole grain, and a fruit. Go corn!

14. 8 but my comfort is 9 in girls shoes.

I dont have 20 people to tag...but I'll get as close as I can to 20...I'm so lonely


AAAAHH  That was only 11 and I have no more people SCREEEEEEEE
I feel bad for not having 20 people to tag...
Heck, I only have one follower...
(Shout out to okiibroitried. You da man...or woman)

Oh well, what's the worst people can do? Right?

That was fun.

Sorry for not updating in over a month, I was busy with things...ah who am I kinding I was just procrastinating. Anyway I hope to get a episode up soon, but until then my fellow fanders,

Peace out

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