I Got Tagged! Again...

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I got tagged by an amazing person by the name of  definitely_not_loki  they have great storys and you should definitely check them out.

Anyway this is the family tag. Oh boy. And before we get started I know I should make a tag book but I'm too lazy to do it, so shut up. (I'm sorry that was mean I shouldn't have told you to shut up im sorrrrryyyyy)

I dont have a huge family, having no cousins on my moms side or aunts or uncles, and having 3 uncles, 3 aunts and 5 cousins on my dads side.

Anyway, here we go!

1. Emo cousin.  Dont really have an obvious one, but I would have to say my cousin Hazel. She cut her hair really short and wears dark clothing so I'm going with her.

2. Gay cousin. We dont really have one, but it's hard to guess cause most of my cousins are still pretty young, but if one of them were to be gay, I would say the least surprising would be my cousin Jacob. (Sorry man)

3. Popular Cousin. My entire family is really akward so literally no one is that popular, but I think the most popular one would be my cousin Zoe.

4. Rebel Cousin. Literally no one. That's the end if that. No one. Zero. Zip. Nada.

5. Twin cousins. Hmm, we dont have any, but my sister and my cousin Zoe look really similar and are pretty close. So I would say them.

6. My cousin Tyler is oldest. Hes like, 20 something, but I dont really remember him cause a few years ago he got a job that gave him no vacation at all, and so since then, he kinda just disappeared from my life, but has recently jumped back in it. Sooo ya...that was kinda off topic but that's my answer!

7. My cousin Oliver is the youngest. Hes like, 2 years younger than me.

8. Aunt Karen....ooooo...that's hard. None of my aunts are really like that. They are all pretty laid back so I cant really answer that one.

9. The cool uncle/aunt...hmm well I have one of each actually, it's my Aunt Dana and Uncle Ken. They are pretty cool and laid back. I'm not that close to any of my uncles or aunts so that's the best I can do.

10. Succesful aunt/uncle. That would be my aunt Tammy. Shes an artist and has published many coloring books and done many paintings.

11. Succesful cousin. That would probably be my cousin Jacob, cause he I think, is now a full fledged firefighter. So that's pretty cool. I'm not sure if he is one, or still in training, but he is a firefighter none the less.

12. Favorite family member...oh no... um...out if all of them, it would be the combined favorite of my cousin Zoe and my cousin Hazel. They are really the only none weird ones and I think if we weren't family, (cause really no family gets along perfectly)  Hazel especially, we could have been pretty good friends.

Tag 20 people! Okay! Maybe, just maybe I can actually reach the 20 mark this time. Let's try at least.


That was 19, but if I tag back the person who tagged me that would be 20, but I'm not gonna be that mean! (Hehe)

Anyway, update on the book either today or tomorrow, so look out for that. Update on my work in progress book, everything is going smoothly and we are still going strong. I'm think of posting the new book on my birthday in a few months. I may play around with that idea and if I like it that's what will happen, and when it gets closer to that time I will tell you guys the date, so you can be looking out for it.

Anyway thank you again @definitely_not_loki for tagging me, and I will see you all in the next update!

Peace out!

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