Earnest (5)

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Pattons POV

I dont exactly know what I did. I dont know why I knew to do it. I just...did it.

I was hovering over Virgil. He had fallen down the stairs. I didnt know that someone could be hurt this bad by falling down the stairs, but apparently it could happen. Logan was outside waiting for the ambulance, and Roman was wrapping Virgils foot, although I dont think that was really doing anything. I was at Virgils head, which was cracked open and bleeding very badly.

I could see that Virgil was in pain, and the ambulance wasn't getting here fast enough. I put my hands on his head. I focus in the pain that Virgil had to be feeling. I focused on the split skin. The blood rushing out of the wound. I focused on taking the pain away. I closed my eyes. I then felt a tingling sensation starting in my fingers and spreading althrough my body. I hold that feeling for a few seconds more before letting it subside and opening my eyes. When I do I see Virgil and Roman staring at me wide eyed. I wipe a tear off the side of my face I didnt realize I had shed. Was it the tear?
"You two okay?" I asked confused.
"Y-youre hands... they glow... they-they glow!" Roamn exclaims. Virgil just stares at me and touches the top of his head. I look as well. Where there was once a wound running down Virgils head, there was now a simple scar. The wound was closed. The blood was gone. I stared at Virgils head. Had I done that?

Just then, two EMS workers rush in with a stretcher.
"What happened?" A female one says.
"He-He fell down the stairs" I say, tears welling g up in my eyes.
"Alright, buddy, were gonna move you onto the stretcher, alright?" The Male one said crouching near Virgil as the female one got the stretcher ready to receive Virgil.
"Oh! Hes mute" Roman says. The male nods. They pick up Virgil and put him in the stretcher. They say one or two people need to go with him. I decide to go with Virgil. I hope he will be alright.

Logans POV

Me and Roman stay at the house while Patton goes with Virgil to the hospital. I had been working on my x-ray, as I had started calling my power. I found if I focused on a person, I could see through then like an x-ray, hence the name. I could see their bones and certain organs. I had been practicing this on Roman today, since he was just sitting on the couch watching movies.

Before they had re taken Virgil away, I had seen that Virgil had broken his ankle, and cracked his head open. When I left, and came back in, the wound on Virgils head wasn't there. Maybe it scabbed up? I cant jump to conclusions but it is very curious. I wonder if Roman knows anything?

Roman's POV

I sit on the couch with Logan. He is deep in thought. I lightly hit him. He snaps out of his trance. "Yes?"
He asks. "Do you know anything about...I dont know...powers?" I say, realizing how dumb it sounds coming out of my mouth. Logans eyes widen slightly. He looks away.
"No...why-why would you ask s-such a stupid question?" I know Logan is lying. He studers when he lies. But, when Logan keeps something from us, I know it must be a pretty big secret, so I dont push him. Just then, there is a knock at the door. Both Logan and me go to the door. We open it to see a man in a black shirt and black pants, he has yellow robes on, as well as yellow gloves. He dramatically puts on a black fedora. "Excuse my intrusion, but do you know a man by the name, Virgil? He is my dear son and I am desperately trying to find him." The man's voice was soothing and calming. He sounded so convincing. Logan was about to let him in when he stopped.
"What is your name?" Logan asked.
"Oh...well my name is Earnest." The man says. That's not the name Thomas told us was Virgils dad. Earnest snaps his fingers behind his back and then it all makes sense. Thomas said the wrong name to keep his identity under wraps. That makes so much sense now. I move to let the guy in, not realizing that I wasn't blinking. Earnest moves to walk in, but Logan steps in his way. Earnest makes a annoyed smile and snaps his fingers again. Logan doesn't move. Earnest becomes visibly annoyed and snaps his fingers in front of Logans face. Logan doesnt move but instead his eyes start to glow.

Logan takes a step forward, and Earnest takes a step back. Logan continues advancing and Earnest continues retreating all the way until Earnest is standing on the road. Logan says something to Earnest that I cannot understand, Earnest gives Logan a dirty look and then he fades into nothing. I blink and look around. What happened? Did I just get hypnotized? Logan stops his eyes glowing and walks back ins inside. We both go and sit on the couch.
"What happened to you back there?" Logan asks me.
"I'm not sure. I just remeber that guy snapping his fingers, and I immediately believed that he was Virgils dad." I reply.
"It was creepy. You looked normal but you weren't blinking. I dont know how that guy did it, but you seemed convinced. I'm confused at why it didnt affect me." Logan says.
"In not sure." I say. Should we tell Virgil about this?it seemed the man was keen on finding Virgil. Who was he? I dont know, but I hope that guy doesnt come back. Something seemed off about him.


I bet you guys know who Earnest is. Its pretty obvious. Can you guys figure out what his power is. Do you think Roman has a power? Tell me what ya think :)

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