Remus (13)

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Roman's POV

A strange thing happened to me. I mean, even more strange than what is already happening to me. It was the middle of the night, and I was practicing my fire abilities. Lighting candles with my finger, then blowing then out without touching, or blowing on them. I was getting pretty good at it, when suddenly, the flame on my finger seemed to dim. I tried to make it brighter, but it did nothing. The whole room got colder, darker.

It was almost eerie. I started shivering, my flame doing nothing to warm me.  I made the flame bigger, placing it in my palm, to try and make my room warmer. I didnt work. My flame was still dark, my room and person still cold. I looked around my shadowy room for a sorce of the cold and dark.

I saw nothing but the outlines of my bed and things. I notice in the far corner, it was darker than the rest of my room. I walk closer to the corner, holding up my flame to get the little light it provided. I get colder and colder as I walk towards the corner. Shivering as I move.

I see the silhouette of something. A shape. Is that- is that the silhouette of a person? I move even closer, within a foot of the shape. Moving my dim light in front if the silhouette I find a face, grinning at me.

I stumble backwards, almost falling. My wide eyes search the silhouette, now covered in the darkness once again. The person didnt move and inch. Maybe it was safe?

I move cautiously back towards the corner. Moving the dim flame in front of the person again, I find the same grinning face. Instead of jumping back again, I study the face.

It was a man with crazy brown hair, a strip of which was white. He had a quite exquisite mustache and a disgusting, dirty, yellow toothed grin. I look at the little clothes I can see and find him wearing a black shirt with green buttons, and black pants. All in all, he was disgusting.

But in a way, he looked familiar. Like I knew him. The way he was dressed and his hair. The way his eyes had a crazy look in them and that grin. That horrible, unamused, forced grin. The type of smile only a maniac could wear. Yes. I knew this man. I knew him so very well. I hadn't seen him since he left home when we were 16.

This man was my family. My sibling. My brother. This man was Remus, my twin.

My breath hitched as I realized who this was. I stared at his lifeless face. Why was he here? Why was in shrouded in darkness? Why was the room so freaking cold?!

I notice frost starting to form on my body. My fire getting dimmer, until it was just a muffled glow, barely illuminating Remus's face.

"R-Remus?" I ask hopefully. The man just squinted his eyes, almost in anger, but his grin stayed. Suddenly his hand came out of no where and grabbed my wrist in an iron grip. I yelped in surprise and tried to brake free. His hand was so cold it was spreading frost and ice up my arm. It was spreading fast and was already closing in on my shoulder.

My breathe quickened and I looked pleadingly at my brother. He just tilted his head to the side and watched as my flame was snuffed out and darkness consumed us both.

I just felt numb. I couldnt feel anything becuase of the cold. I felt something pass over my nose and mouth. I'm guessing its ice. I cant breathe. My lungs are screaming for air. Pleading for me to suck in the oxygen they need, but I cant. My body is shaking and lungs feel like they are going to burst. I'm suffocating. I am going to die by ice. By the hands of my own brother.

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