Azrexel: Part 1

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3rd person Pov:

In the biodome covered city of Sakura, there stood a house on the edge of a forest. In that house lived a father and his son.

The son was a genius. He was easily able to fix machines and he even built an artificial intelligence he named Aiba.

This boy was named (Y/n) Nexstar. He was currently in his room, he had fallen asleep on top of a little robot that was connected to a computer.

 He was currently in his room, he had fallen asleep on top of a little robot that was connected to a computer

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The computer had download completed written on the screen.

The droid that (Y/n) was used as a pillow, a really bad pillow, activated.


Aiba: Tch. Sir.

(Y/n): Zzzzzzz...

Aiba: Sir!

(Y/n): Zzzzz... Tifa...zzzzz...

Aiba: For the love of...

The droid then stood up, lifting (Y/n)'s head with it. Aiba then moved out from under (Y/n)'s head, causing his head to fall and slam his head against his desk and fell to the floor.


(Y/n): OW!

The young man rubbed his head to try and ease his pain.

Aiba: Good morning sir. Sleep well?

(Y/n): My sleep was fine, and my dream wasn't half bad, but the wake-up? That sucked!

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(Y/n): My sleep was fine, and my dream wasn't half bad, but the wake-up? That sucked!

(Y/n): What the hell Aiba?!

Aiba: You should have known better than to drool over me.

(Y/n): I should have installed a pillow on you...

He begins to rub his neck.

(Y/n): My neck is so stiff...

(Y/n):(sigh) I'm going to go sleep in my bed. With any luck, I can continue my dream.

Aiba: Shouldn't you get ready for your last day of school?

(Y/n): Meh. There's no point in going, I passed my exams, I don't need some goodbye school speech from them.

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