The hermit enters the box

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3rd person POV:

(Y/n) was in his lab giving back a broken TV that he was hired to fix.

(Y/n): There you go, all fixed up.

Old lady: Thank you.

The old lady tools her TV and left after paying.

(Y/n): You know where to go if you break any electronics.

Once he was done sending the old lady on her way, he re-entered his lab. He then noticed his reflection in the mirror.

(Y/n):(mind) I haven't realized how tight this shirt has gotten

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(Y/n):(mind) I haven't realized how tight this shirt has gotten...

(Y/n): At least it still fits.


He heard the door to his lab open, he turned around to see a girl half his size.

He heard the door to his lab open, he turned around to see a girl half his size

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(Y/n): Can I help you?

The girl was quietly hugging her laptop while staring at (Y/n).

(Y/n): I haven't seen you around the city before, you new?


The girl holds out her laptop with a sticky note that has "fix" written on it.

(Y/n): O-okay...?

He takes the laptop from her. The girl then sits on a couch that (Y/n) put in the lab for customers. The girl then curls up into a ball and just looks at (Y/n).

(Y/n):(mind) Is it me or is she weird?

He then takes the laptop to a nearby work table and opens it up to examine what was wrong.

The screen and the laptop itself seemed to be in decent condition. He pressed the power button but it didn't turn on. He then hooked the laptop to a charger yet it still didn't work.

He then decided to open it up. Once he did, he realized the problem soon after.

He removed the battery of the laptop and replaced it with another. He then put the laptop back together and hooked it to a charger, pressed the power button and it turned on.

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