The link series

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3rd person POV:

Azrexel and L02 were in the box going through repairs. After there battle the two gears were left quite damaged.

(Y/n) and Zach were in the hanger along with the others.

Zach: What do we do about the tie?

(Y/n): Well if you remember, the deal was if you didn't win, that you would help us out.

Zach: I see... A deal is a deal.

(Y/n): I do plan on helping you out, so don't worry.

Zach: What do you need?

(Y/n): First thing, tell me more about our Gears or cogs as you call them.

Zach: Very well.

Zach: As I already said, our cogs are part of the Link series.

Aiba: What is the Link series?

Zach: A 200 to 500 years ago, five scientists decided to create the best possible cogs.

Zach: Whether they did it for some important reason or for the hell of it, is unknown.

Zach: Mars had long since reached the peak of technology for cogs a long time ago, so they had a difficult task.

Zach: The cogs themselves are impressive for there age, but what was supposed to be the system to bring these machines to a high level than others, the scientists failed to finish.

Daniel: What was this system?

Zach: The link system.

(Y/n): The thing that connects our minds wirelessly to our Gears.

Zach: Exactly.

Aiba: The files show that Azrexel was able to be activated at best for a minute.

Zach: It's the same for the others. The system is supposed to link the pilot to the AI of the machine.

Zach: They wanted there to be a bond between the two, which was supposed to somehow make the two stronger. I myself don't get it...

Gaze: The gears have AI?

Zach: Yes. That might be one of the reasons the system didn't work.

Zach: From the files I've seen, one cog would only function with female pilots and the L01 would go berserk if it didn't like the pilot.

(Y/n): It seemed like Azrexel didn't like any pilot before me if the Box's files are true.

Aiba: How many of these were made?

Zach: L02 files show that there are in total 5. Two of them are here obviously.

(Y/n): The others?

Zach: I've heard rumors that one is used by one of Mars's nations rulers. Another is in a prison on Phobos, the other moon. And the third is in some lab.

Marcus: Why are they scattered about?

Zach: When word got out that these cogs existed, and the hype that was created due to rumors of there power... Let's just say a lot of people wanted them.

Zach: The scientists tried to escape the territory of Mars, but it seems like only the L01 managed that.

Zach: My cog, I found in a wreckage, so I can only assume the condition of the others.

Zach: I've told you all I know about this subject.

Marcus: What's Mars's hierarchy like?

Zach: There are three nations, The NUSA, Neo Japan, and Hyro. Together they make the United Nations, which is leading faction of the war against Earth.

(Y/n): How do these pilotless gears work?

Zach: Well after the failure of the Link system, the download system was built. People basically transfer a copy of themselves into a cog or other machine, and when they're done with whatever they're doing they download the new memories made back into there minds.

Zach: Need any more exposition?

(Y/n): No, not right now, but do you want to help us create peace among world's?

Zach: Hmmm...

Marcus: Must you put it so casually?

(Y/n): What's wrong with how I said it? I had a question and I asked it.

Zach:... This war has been costing my guild more resources then we can buy, even buying equipment nowadays is a long process...

Zach: I don't do things like this for free, you know?

(Y/n): Will making the Link system work full time be enough to pay for your help?


(Y/n): I could tell that you had the system some times in the battle.

Zach: And you had it constantly on...

Zach:.... Very well, I'll accept that as payment.

(Y/n): One more thing, what's his name?

Zach: Who?

(Y/n): Your gears name? The point of the system was to have a bond with the machine, right? L02 isn't something you'd call your friend.

(Y/n): I called the big red guy, Azrexel.

Zach:(sigh)... Any suggestions?

(Y/n): Hmmm... How about... Tribriel?

Zach: Tribriel... So be it.

(Y/n): Come on, I need to scan your brain waves to help me fix your link system.

The two began walking to the workshop of the Box.

(Y/n): By the way, why does Tribriel also have the capability of the finisher Azrexel has?

Zach: Huh? Oh, that...

Zach: I think it's an unintentional feature that they all have.

(Y/n): Interesting...

TIMESKIP brought to you by Azrexel and Tribriel arm wrestling.

(Y/n) was alone in Hanger ß with the red and blue gears.

Zach had just left after (Y/n) fixed his link system.

He was still on Tribriel's shoulder, he then hopped on to Azrexel's shoulder.

The red gear was right next to the blue gear, so it wasn't so difficult to make the jump.

(Y/n): Hey, bud...

(Y/n): I've kind of put of this talk but... Are you alive?




(Y/n): You're more of an action kind of guy or the strong silent type... Tifa is the one good with reading people...

(Y/n): I think I have a better understanding on how you work...

(Y/n): Turns out that AI isn't that advance, even on Mars, when compared to Aiba.

(Y/n): So when I introduced the framework of what made Aiba into your system, it seemed to not only make the link system work, but it also combined with your AI.




(Y/n):(smirks) Don't worry, I'm fine with doing the talking.

(Y/n): I know we are trying to make peace... But I'll make sure to get in some good fights like the one with Tribriel.


He then pretended to trip, and was about to fall. As that happened Azrexel's lifted his arm up to try to make sure he wouldn't fall.

(Y/n) then regained his balance with a smirk.

(Y/n): I knew it. Thanks, bud, I knew I can rely on you.

(Y/n) then noticed Azrexel's arm twitching while sparks flew.

(Y/n): Uhh... I'll fix that.

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