Mars Noir: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Azrexel and Rexa were currently facing their dark counterparts which were dashing towards them.

Azrexel and Rexa were currently facing their dark counterparts which were dashing towards them

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The Rexa got blasted away by her dark counterpart.

(Y/n): Rexa!

Leonardo in his new Gear took advantage of (Y/n)'s distracted state and took out his pistol katana fusion weapons. He fired relentlessly at Azrexel, who quickly took up a defensive stance.

Doing this, however, gave the dark Rexa the opportunity to get behind him and lunge onto his back.

(Y/n) was unable to move out of the way due to the remaining parts of the Mars jacket, restricting Azrexel's movements.

Leonardo then swung down his katanas onto Azrexel's shoulders. Now pinned against two enemies, (Y/n) had to get out of this situation or he would be in trouble.

Believing the best course of action was to discard the remaining mars jacket armor, (Y/n) activated the cast-off function and the remaining armor violently bursted off of Azrexel, knocking the two enemies back in the process.

Rexa then rejoined the fray and attack her dark counterpart, knocking it towards Azrexel's counterpart.

Azrexel and Rexa were now standing there ground as they glared at there evil twins who glared back.

(Y/n):(on speaker) What are those two edgy copies of Azrexel and Rexa for?

Leonardo:(on speaker) What you see before you are your inferior cogs replacements.

(Y/n):(on speaker) Replacements?

Leonardo:(on speaker) Why you see, when the L01 was originally lost, production on its replacement had begun but was halted due to lack of need for one.

Leonardo:(on speaker) But after the L03 failed me, and a prison warden so generously offered me a copy of the L01's designs... I had this finished.

(Y/n): Tch, so the warden copied your designs straight from your computer... Note to self, blow up prison...

Leonardo:(on speaker) And Sigma here was built based on that beast simply because I wanted to mock you!

(Y/n):(on speaker) Okay... I wasn't the one who made Rexa like this so... I take no offense.

Leonardo:(on speaker) Well that is disappointing...

(Y/n):(on speaker) So what do you call that rip-off?

Leonardo:(on speaker) This here is known as the L01N or otherwise know as Noir.

(Y/n):(on speaker) Since it's not part of the Link family, it can keep that name.

Leonardo:(on speaker) What are you talking about?

(Y/n):(on speaker) Well I've come up with a naming scheme for the link series gears- you know what, just forget it.

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