Lust to love: part 1

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3rd person POV:

(Y/n) woke up in his room on the second floor of the lab. He was in a large bed.

Tifa: (smiles) You're finally up.

(Y/n): How long was I out?

Tifa: Almost two days.

(Y/n): Oh... I'm sorry... Again...

Tifa:(sigh) It's okay... Since I can't stop you, I'll try to make sure you stay on the right track and keep your promise.

(Y/n): When I say I'll do something, I do it. So don't worry.

Tifa: I'll try.

Tifa: So you moved out of your dad's place?

(Y/n): Yeah, like a week ago, but if I have time, I might as well visit him.

Tifa: That's nice. I'm still stuck with my folks.

(Y/n): Well if you want... You can move in with me.

Tifa:(blushes) You want to live together?

(Y/n): Sure, it's not like we don't spend most of our time together, so why not? It's more efficient.

(Y/n): I can make you your own room if you like-

He attempted to get up, but he hadn't fully recovered his strength and fell back in bed.

Tifa: You okay?

(Y/n): I should have packed more snacks...

Tifa:(chuckles) You should have gotten a proper meal. How do you think I'm so strong, that I can lift you with one hand?

(Y/n): Superpowers.

Tifa: I don't have superpowers.

(Y/n): Yeah, sure you don't.




Tifa: I'll get you something to eat. We'll talk about this roommates offer later, when you're all better.

(Y/n): That's probably for the best. What's on the menu?

Tifa: I'm making soup.

(Y/n): Soup? Tch, I hate soup... It's just an over-complicated version cereal.

Tifa: Don't worry I'm making it.

(Y/n): That's worse...

Tifa:... Just for that, you're slurping every last drop.

She leaves the room.

(Y/n): Oh man...

(Y/n):(mind) I wonder if Azrexel is okay...

Out of boredom of being bedridden, (Y/n) began to work up designs for a new "Tool".

Meanwhile in Risington with Marcus. He was walking down one of the many hallways of the royal castle. He was making his way to one of his sister's room.

He was heading to Venus Trudian's room. After a few incidents where she failed to show up when he requested her to come and talk to him, he finally decided to go to her.

When he saw her door, he also saw a nervous maid.

Maid: W-why hello Prince Marcus, what a w-wonderful day we're having-

Marcus: She knows I'm coming and your stalling for her.

Maid: Forgive me, sir.

Marcus: It's fine. Just leave, I'd like to talk to her alone.

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