Breaking emerald: Part 2

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3rd person POV:

On the planet of Mars, was a large palace-like building. A hovering limousine drove out of it and traveled to a spaceport.

A person exited the vehicle and entered a space jet. As it took off the person got a call.

A live holographic video began to play of the person calling.

Miss Cross:(on phone) Hello Princess, I hope this isn't a bad time

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Miss Cross:(on phone) Hello Princess, I hope this isn't a bad time.

???: It's not, I'm currently on my way to your facility. And please, call me by my name.

Miss Cross:(on phone) As you wish, Lady Anna.

Anna:(sigh) I guess that's better...

Miss Cross:(on phone) So you still wish to proceed with the deal?

Anna: Of course. I hope you kept your end of the bargain.

Miss Cross:(on phone) The L04 has been repaired as you wanted. But why do you want this relic?

Anna: You know us rich people, we love our toys.

Miss Cross:(on Phone) I see... Well, I have some news. I've just gained two more Link series units along with there pilots.

Anna: What?!

Miss Cross:(on phone) I was planning to turn them in, however, if you are interested I'll sell you both of them for a reasonable price.

Anna: The Cogs or pilots?

Miss Cross:(on phone) Both.

Anna:... What's the price?

Miss Cross:(on phone) We will discuss that once you arrive. Until then...

She hangs up.

Anna then takes a moment to think. Once she figured out what her plan was, she was moments away from arriving.

Anna:(mind) I can do this! I can do this!

She grabbed a jacket and headed out once she arrived.

She grabbed a jacket and headed out once she arrived

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