Breaking Emerald: Part 1

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3rd person POV:

Azrexel and Tribriel had there hardware fixed, but there was still a problem. (Y/n) and the others were on the bridge to discuss the problem.

(Y/n): We might have a slight problem...

Aiba: What is it?

(Y/n): The fight me and Zach had, might have damaged some of the more delicate parts of our gears.

Marcus: What does that mean?

(Y/n): It means that our gears can't move properly without sparking and twitching like crazy. There also might be a risk that they will shut down in the middle of battle.

Gaze: That seems like much more, then a "slight" problem too me. Can't you fix it?

(Y/n): I can, but it will take a long time for me to do it here, especially since I don't know if we have all the parts and correct materials to do it.

Daniel: What are we going to do then?

Zach: I've called in a shuttle to come to get us and the cogs. Me and (Y/n) will go back to my guild. I have spare parts for such an occasion.

Zach: Once we repair our cogs fixed up, we'll work on getting this ship to Mars.

Marcus: Shouldn't we come with you two.

Zach: No, the ship will draw too much attention if we are spotted. And you clearly don't have the technology to spot a cloaked ship.

Zach: It's best if the two of us go. If anything goes wrong, then we'll contact you all.

(Y/n): Be ready for any surprises. We don't know what's trying to get us.

Once the shuttle arrived, (Y/n) and Zach loaded there gears onto it and the left for the Blue triceratops guilds base.

The shuttle was barely able to hold the two gears, (Y/n) had to leave the GB behind, so Azrexel could fit into it.

The ship was piloted by a person of Zach guild that downloaded themselves into it, to pilot it.

(Y/n): I hope we don't run into a fleet of Gears, we would be in trouble then.

Zach: Perhaps we could call in the others in that case. They could use that large weapon of yours, to save us.

(Y/n): About that... The weapon is going to need a week to recharge. I didn't really have the time to make a proper reactor for it.

Zach: Oh... Then let's just hope for the best.

The shuttle then shook violently.

Zach: What's going on!?

Guild member:(on speaker) It's an army patrol unit with a few cogs!

Zach: What do they want?

Guild member:(on speaker) I'll put you through to them.

Patrol office:(broadcasting) You've entered a restricted area, with cogs without the proper documents. You are to surrender and come with us, or we will use force!

Zach: Since when is this area been restricted?

Patrol officer:(broadcasting) Since, now.

(Y/n): Tch... Should I?

Zach: Yes, do it.

(Y/n) then sent the distress call to the box, however, it only broadcasted for a minute or so, before the patrol unit disabled the entire ship.

Zach and (Y/n) then had to quickly equip breathing masks as the air supply system was disabled.

The shuttle then began to be dragged along by the patrol unit.

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