The path of a Gear

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3rd person POV:

In the mysterious Gear hanger bay under the lab belonging to (Y/n) Nexstar, Aiba the artificial intelligence created by (Y/n) watched from the control station as a wormhole opened up.

Out of the wormhole came the red Gear named Azrexel.

Once it walked through the wormhole, it closed behind him

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Once it walked through the wormhole, it closed behind him.

Azrexel then walked to the large plate at the other end of the room, it then leaned its backed onto it. The plate then locked the Gear in place and then tilted it into a more diagonal angle.

Then the walkways that previously raised up to get out of the gears way then lowered once again.

The cockpit of the Gear opened and out came (Y/n) himself.

(Y/n): That was awesome. The coolest thing I've done.

Aiba then came running in her little droid body.

Aiba then came running in her little droid body

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She ran full speed into (Y/n)'s shin.

(Y/n): Gha! What the hell Aiba!?

Aiba: That was punishment for your reckless behavior.

(Y/n): Tifa is safe and I got to use my Azrexel, worth it.

Aiba: Now explain.

(Y/n): Eh? Oh right, what was wrong with this guy...

(Y/n): Okay, you see... The reason they couldn't get Azrexel to work for long, is because of the system for the wireless neuro link and the Gear its self were causing problems for each other.

(Y/n): The pilot itself was a factor as well...

(Y/n): The neuro link would take data from the pilot's mind and transfer that to the gear which would allow controlling the gear to be like controlling a part of one's body.

(Y/n): But the Gear also sent data to the pilot as well.

(Y/n): The problem was that there was too much data going through with no filter whatsoever. This caused either pilot or Gear to overload.

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