The path to Mars: part 3

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3rd person POV;

(Y/n) was currently dismantling and studying the Mars gear that Gaze brought back.

He was doing this in the hanger with the other gears.

He spent the next few days taking it apart until Aiba smacked him and began to try to force him to sleep.

(Y/n): Knock it off...

Aiba: This is no time to get enthralled with new tech, sir.

(Y/n): Just a few more days.




(Y/n) began clutching his head for a moment as a pulse of pain went through it. He turned towards Azrexel then back to Aiba.

(Y/n): Ugh... Just a short nap.

Aiba began dragging (Y/n) to his room.

(Y/n): Captain's log. Entry three.

(Y/n): After Gaze discovered and defeated a Mars gear, he brought it back in for me to study.

(Y/n): It wasn't in perfect condition, but I found out something interesting.

(Y/n): There was no cockpit, instead of controlling the Gear remotely, they seem to download there consciousness inside the Gear.

(Y/n): I'm unsure of the reasoning and if pilot has there memories of the experience if there disconnect suddenly.

(Y/n): Currently hypothesis, they download there conscious to the gear for better reaction time and movement.

(Y/n): Further research must be done... Captain Nexstar, signing off.

Aiba: Now go to sleep.

(Y/n): On second thought... There is something I need to check out.

Aiba: No.

Aiba then jumped onto (Y/n)'s back. She then locked her arms and legs around him.

(Y/n) then fell to the ground.

(Y/n): What are you doing?

Aiba: Restraining you until you get proper rest.

(Y/n): (struggles)... Fine. Can I at least sleep on the bed?

Aiba: You had your chance, now you get the floor.

(Y/n):(yawn) You're ... So mean... Tch, goodnight...

He fell asleep.

Aiba: Goodnight... Papa...

Aiba:... If you heard that, I will tase you.

(Play opening)

Marcus, Gaze, and Daniel were in the bridge of the Box.

The three were called there by Aiba.

Marcus: Where is Aiba?

Aiba began speaking through the speakers on the bridge.

Aiba:(on speaker) My body is currently occupied with making sure (Y/n) rest.

Daniel: He has always had a problem with sleeping when he is focused on a project.

Marcus: And he's the only expert on technology... At least he gets things done.

Gaze: Why did you call us here?

Aiba:(on speaker) I called you all here because I thought you'd all like to know that there are several gears coming our way.

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