Greed of the young: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Gretel Trudian was currently in her Gear waiting until she would be sent out to go get the red Gear.

Gretel Trudian was currently in her Gear waiting until she would be sent out to go get the red Gear

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Gretel:(mumbling) Stupid red gear, making me wait... Thinks your soo cool with your sword... Just wait until I take it then I'll be the one with the cool sword...

Gretel:(mumbling) Yeah when I get it, I'll be all "whoosh" and "slice". Hehe... Then I'll be the cool one... Once I recolor it to gold of course...

Marcus:(in coms) Gretel?

Gretel: Eeek! Marcus! Don't scare me like that!

Marcus was talking to her through the communication system in the control center of the Trudian royal Gear hanger bey.


Marcus:(on coms) My apologies sister. But it seems like the red Gear has been spotted.

Gretel: Really? Where is the red Gear?

Marcus:(on coms) The red Gear seems to be stopping one of our mutant transports.

Gretel: Why are we transporting mutants? They're so ugly...

Marcus:(on coms) It's just for a project I have, don't worry about that. Just be careful out there, okay sister?

Gretel: Yeah, just drop me!

Marcus: So inpatient...

Marcus presses a button and the floor under Gretel's Gear slides open and her gear falls into a wormhole.

Meanwhile with (Y/n). He was currently on top of an old volcano fighting off Trudian Gears that are trying to take a giant mutant away to somewhere for some reason.

(Y/n) had no worry while fighting these soldiers since they were weakened by capturing the mutant and putting it in a cage.

Aiba:(on coms) I still can't believe you made another one...

(Y/n): Well believe it! It's one of my best weapons, of course, I made another one.

Tifa:(on coms) You just like swords...

(Y/n): There one of the coolest weapons.

Aiba:(on coms) Tch, don't make something like that just because it's cool!

(Y/n): Tch... Just download yourself into that drone. I didn't build that for no reason you know.

Aiba:(on coms) Fine, but I'll take a few minutes. Don't complain if you need a quick escape.

(Y/n): I won't.

Aiba left to download herself into her new body.

(Y/n): Now to-




Azrexel turned around to see a golden Gear.

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