Pride of the Prince, Hero, and Lion: Part 1

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3rd person POV:

Once (Y/n) found out that the box was actually a space cruiser, excited was an understatement to describe how he was feeling.

The first thing (Y/n) found out, was that the ship would respond to him, but not any of the others.

He then realized why. When he first discovered the box, he was bitten by a small bug-like robot that took a drop of his blood. The bug bot then scanned it into the ship, making (Y/n), the new captain of the vessel.

After giving the others access and letting Aiba download herself in the ship so she could control it, (Y/n) began exploring the ship like an excited child in a candy shop that was allowed to eat all the candy they wanted.

With the help of Aiba, (Y/n) found out there was a large hanger bay for several Gears, which was empty. He found out that the room Azrexel was above the actual hanger bay, the room itself seemed to be some kind of repair/experiment room.

Aiba: Sir, are you done?

Aiba projected her body in front of (Y/n).

(Y/n): Hehe... Yeah.

(Y/n): The S.S Box should have a communication system, correct?

Aiba: I do see one.

(Y/n): Give a message to Marcus Trudian. Tell him, In one week, Him, me, and Gaze will fight it out.

Aiba: I'll get it done.

(Y/n): Thanks. Now... Time to get to work.

Meanwhile, with Marcus, he was in his office, staring at the report saying that (Y/n) escaped by flying a space cruiser out of a mountain and fly it to space.

Jen, who handed him the report, was standing in front of him. There was only a desk between them.

Jen: Sir-

Marcus: Silence.




The door to his office opened and Marcus's sisters entered the room.

Marcus:(mind) Of course they're here...

Venus: It's time you explain to us what's going on.




Marcus: Whatever do you mean, my dear sister?

Elizabeth: Don't play dumb with us! We want answers about the shit on the moon!

Marcus: I can assure you there is no "shit" on the moon. You can use a telescope to observe the moon and you'll find nothing.

Gretel: Stop playing dumb! We want to know! Tell us!

Marcus: None of you have ever shown any interest in the militaristic side of the kingdom, but the moment when a random guy, that is somewhat intelligent and is a probably a sociopath, or maybe even psychopath, shows you all a few measly pictures, you believe I'm hiding something.

Marcus: That guy probably doesn't care about his own family. He most likely used his own mother to get information.


Elizabeth: Oi! Don't start bad mouthing you don't know! Especially in front of there mom!

Jen: It's fine... Even if he is using me... I wouldn't care, I probably deserve it.

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