The great Box escape: part 2

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3rd person POV:



Marcus fired his gun, but just before he did, Azrexel pushed aside the walkways surrounding him and placed his hand between (Y/n) and Marcus, preventing (Y/n) from getting shot.

This surprised everyone, including (Y/n) himself.

(Y/n):(mind) Since when does Azrexel have an autopilot?

Azrexel then offered his hand to (Y/n), so he could lift him up. (Y/n) hopped on to Azrexel's hand and lifted him next to the cockpit.

(Y/n): I did not plan this what so ever. This is pure luck.

Marcus: You'll never get out of Risington, Nexstar!

Marcus: Even if you do, it'll be easy to bring an army to Sakura city.

(Y/n): Army? Isn't the army in space?


(Y/n): I'll escape. Just watch.

(Y/n) then jumped into Azrexel's cockpit and took control.

(Y/n):(mind) I can't believe I didn't get shot. I had no control over that situation whatsoever.


(Y/n): Time to go.

Azrexel then ran up to a wall and crashed through it.


Marcus: Get him!

Venus: Marcus, explain.

Marcus: Not now, Venus, I have more pressing matters. Why don't you go to your "man" as I deal with this mess?

Marcus then goes to his Gear.

With (Y/n). He landed in a garden area, of the castle.

(Y/n): Communications... Down... Beam weapons... Down...

(Y/n): Tch, still haven't fully rebooted, huh?

(Y/n): At least I have the Katana.


A plasma shot went past Azrexel's head. He turned around and saw the S.I.N Pride standing in the hole he put through the wall.

N Pride standing in the hole he put through the wall

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Marcus:(on speaker) Your not going anywhere!

(Y/n):(on speaker) Yes, I am!

Azrexel then jumped out of the garden and began making his way to the city.

Marcus used his gears rifle to shoot at Azrexel, who dodged most of the blast.

Azrexel then turned around suddenly while pulling out his katana. Azrexel then deflected one of Marcus's blast right back at him.

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