Azrexel: Part 3

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3rd person POV:

(Y/n) was in his room talking with Tifa through the use of a phone.

(Y/n): So you're on your last city before coming back?

Tifa;(on phone) Yep. I can't believe it's almost been three months. Time sure flies by.

Tifa:(on phone) So what are you up to?

(Y/n): The same as always.

Tifa: (on phone) The secret project you won't tell me about?

(Y/n): Exactly. And it's not that I haven't told you, it's that I haven't told you yet. You'll see it when you get back.

(Y/n): Hey, what was that City you're going to now?

Tifa:(on phone) It's Ergo city. It's supposed to be a tropical city, but they have a broken biodome, so we're going to help them out. Then my internship will be over and I'll come back.

(Y/n): What are you going to do then?

Tifa:(on phone) I still want to help people, so I'll see what kind of job that can help me do that.

(Y/n):(sigh) Jeez, you and helping people... I don't really understand stand why you do it.

Tifa:(on phone) It feels like the right thing to do. You should try it, you might be good at it.

(Y/n): I'm good at anything, given enough time. And I do help people.

Tifa:(on phone) When it helps you...

(Y/n): That is ....somewhat true.

Tifa:(on phone) (giggles) Somewhat?

(Y/n): Fine, it is true. But I've also helped people, just because they asked.

Tifa:(on phone) Like who?

(Y/n): You, for example... My dad... There was this old lady once... And... Ummmm... I didn't step on an ant once.

Tifa:(on phone)(sarcastic) Well aren't you a saint.

(Y/n): You make me sound like an asshole...

Tifa:(on phone) You might be full of yourself some times... But I know you're a good person.

Tifa:(on phone) Okay, got to go. Talk to you later.

(Y/n): Yeah, you too. Bye.

The two then end there conversation. With not a lot he could do now, (Y/n) decided to work on the lab, instead of the Gear hanger, as he has done for the majority of the summer.

If he fixes the lab up, he might be able to turn it into a business to make some money.

With that idea in mind, he headed to his lab.

(Meanwhile in the hideout of Majesty)

In Majesty's hideout, there were many Gears in hangers going through maintenance.

The people on breaks were chatting with each other. Some of the bad apples were planning their revenge on Trudian who wronged them by taking away everything they had when they were unable to pay their bills.

The leader of this organization, Gaze, was busy with planning Majesty's next move.

(Knock knock)

(Knock knock)

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