Cliffhanger: part 2

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3rd person pov:

A wormhole opened directly on top of the Niagara cliff. (Y/n) and his Azrexel flies out of the wormhole.

(Y/n) then slid loudly across the ground, with Azrexel's metal feet creating large lines in the dry rocky dirt due to the speed of the landing.

Azrexel's head moved around, searching for signs of life. With Azrexel's scanners finding no life in the immediate area.

The Gear then began walking around.

(Y/n): So this used to be a waterfall, huh? Now it's like everything else, a dry dead land.

(Y/n) moved his Gear towards the edge of the cliff.

(Y/n):(mind) Trudian soldiers aren't here yet, I better find this mutant quick and kick its ass.

When he reached the end of the cliff, he looked down to see a large crater. Jumping off this cliff would be extremely dangerous unless you could fly.

(Y/n): Better avoid jumping off the cliff...

(Beep beep beep)

Azrexel's sensors began going off. (Y/n) began quickly looking around for what was setting his sensors off.

(Y/n): Where is it...?

He then saw that his sensors were picking something up from underneath the ground.


The ground then cracked open and a large serpentine-like creature came flying out.

The ground then cracked open and a large serpentine-like creature came flying out

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(Y/n): What the hell?!

Aiba:(on coms) Sir! I suggest running!

(Y/n): Where? My back is against the edge of a cliff!

(Y/n):(mind) How the hell were Trudian going to capture this big worm?!

The serpent saw the red Gear immediately. It quickly began rushing towards him.

Tifa:(on coms) (Y/n)?

Any normal person who was going up against a giant serpent larger than their own Gear, alone, would attempt to run, however, (Y/n) was not a normal person.

By all means, (Y/n) was a genius. He knew the best way to escape was to wait until the head of the serpent got close enough so when he began moving to either left or right, the serpent wouldn't be able to correct its course.

That, however, wasn't his plan. He decided to come here to not only stop Trudian but to also test himself. To him, fighting with his Gear was the best way to challenge himself. To him, this battle was like a game of chess. He wasn't going to let a stupid animal like that serpent beat him in this game.

(Y/n) tightened his grip on Azrexel's controls while a feeling of excitement rolled over him. With a small smile growing on the corner of (Y/n)'s mouth, the emerald eyes of the Gear lit up.

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